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Jake and Amy are still trying to have a baby, but Amy doesn't want Jake to tell Charles. She knows he'll overreact. Jake's trying to avoid Charles to keep the secret.

Adrian Pimento returns claiming someone is out to kill him. Jake and Charles soon realize he's experiencing short-term memory loss. They have to spend time together to get Pimento help, which makes Jake afraid he'll spill the beans. 

They go to Pimento's doctor who informs them that he's been diagnosed with "Finding Dory Syndrome" for awhile, likely due to repeated head trauma.

Meanwhile, Terry breaks the news to the rest of the squad that they have to participate in a mandatory human resources conflict training seminar.
Amy finds a copy of the seminar from last year and studies up so they can rush through it as quickly as possible. Her plan backfires when they find out the seminar has to be at least six hours long, so they can't leave early.
The HR representative decides to devote two hours to dealing with personal conflicts in the workplace. This starts fights amongst the squad about issues ranging from loud eating to adultery.
Pimento injures himself and winds up in the hospital. This leads to the discovery that he has tattoos all over his body to help him remember things. 
Jake tells Pimento him and Amy are trying to have a baby, assuming he'll forget it immediately. Unfortunately, this is the one thing he retains. 
He lets it slip to Charles, who's hurt he wasn't the first to know. 
He runs away from Jake and Charles again. They just miss him at the tattoo parlor where they learn he'd previously tried to get a tattoo that said "Don't trust the doctor". 
They figure out that Pimento's doctor was giving him medication to suppress his memory, not help it. Pimento was hired as a private investigator by the doctor's wife to expose his affair.
He didn't want Pimento to tell his wife what he found, so he's been drugging him.
Jake and Charles confront the doctor and rescue Pimento after a stand-off on the ledge of a building. Jake and Charles reconcile. 
The rest of the squad follows suit, and is able to put their petty arguments to bed.
Pimento stops taking his medicine and regains his memories.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 3 Quotes

We may be arguing, but we're all thinking the same thing. Terry talks about his children too much.


Pimento has Memento disease! Your memory's resetting, like the guy from the movie Memento!
