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Casey is still reeling from the argument with Jack, but finds himself forcing a friendship with him when Voight reaches out to him and asks him to help the Police Department build their case against him.

Initially he refuses to help Voight, but Dawson manages to talk him round, in order to help Antonio.

Mouse modifies his cell phone, but Casey is immediately searched upon arrival at the club.

Chili holds a fundraiser for her drink, but it is ruined when Severide and Otis continue their argument, which causes a divide within Firehouse 51.

Boden gets wind of this and hauls Casey and Severide into his office and tells them to get it sorted straight away.

Chili confesses that she has no hot water in her apartment because she has invested all of her resources into Chilleez. Brett tells her that she is there if she ever needs help.

The team are called out to a suspected car bomb, but they are shocked to the core when the car blows up again and the handbrake comes off and almost mows into them while trying to save a life. Severide comes to the rescue and saves his work colleagues from a certain death.

Chicago Fire
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