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Things get personal for Casey and Gallo after a house fire involving a mother and her young son when the firefighters learn a representative from the Department of Children and Family Services wants to separate the boy from his mother just because the woman is in a wheelchair.

Casey and Gallo confront the ignorant neighbor who made the call and the DCFS representative about how even though the woman is immobolized she is still a good mother, as evidenced by her crawling up the stairs to get to her son during the fire.

Casey is successful, and the mother and son are reunited.

Kidd decides to start a program that recruits young girls to be junior firefighters, but learns she will need a female officer to co-sponsor.

She doesn't have much luck until Severide suggests Lt. Wendy Seager.

Seager meets with Kidd and agrees to co-sponsor the program.

Julie asks for Brett's help in finding a house in Chicago, and Brett reaches out to a realtor she meets while on a call.

The realtor asks Brett out, but she says she isn't ready to date.

Herrmann requests his own officer's quarters and takes it upon himself to build his own when Boden denies his request.

Herrmann's makeshift officer's quarters catch fire, and he is reprimanded.

Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 8 Episode 17 Quotes

Boden: Yes, Lt. Hermann?
Herrmann: Thank you chief for addressing me by rank there because it cuts to the heart of why I raised my hand. I was wondering about officer's quarters. You see, it's been over a year since I made lieutenant, you know, and Casey and Severide over there, they got their own officer's quarters down in the bunk room.
Boden: We only have two officer's quarters at 51.
Herrmann: I understand that, and I thought about that, and that's why I'd like to request the blue room down in the bullpen. I can be closer to you, and then...
Boden: No.
Herrmann: That was a little quick.
Boden: New office is for storage, now and forever. It's not gonna be your officer's quarters or a women's lounge or whatever odd function you come up with by tomorrow.
Capp: Like a game room?

Julie: I was thinking I could get your help with neighborhoods. I know I can google 'best neighborhoods for new moms in Chicago,' but I'd rather land some insider knowledge from someone who's in these streets every day.
Brett: You've come to the right place. Trust me, I am the go-to house hunter at Firehouse 51.
Julie: Oh hey, there's a show called that: 'House Hunters.' Have you seen it?
Brett: I am the biggest fan in the world. I even roped my ex-fiance into marathoning the whole series with me.
Julie: Wait, what? Ex-fiance?
Brett: Oh uh, that's a whole other...
Julie: A whole other something I want to hear about. I know we have time, but I will take every Sylvie Brett story that I can get.