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April ends up having to cover for Noah after he spends more time flirting with nurses than reading patient files and accidentally give a kid a medication that he's allergic to. He's not concerned about the mistake until he thinks his sister will write him up. She ends up filing the report when she notices that his behavior hasn't changed at all. Sarah becomes suspicious when a patient comes in with necrotizing fasciitis two days after seeing his GP for a "pimple." She uncovers a series of patients of his who have been misdiagnosed over the past several years. Sharon warns Charles due to his friendship with Unger that she's going to launch an investigation. Unger's privileges are pulled after the patient dies. Will continues to deal with the fallout from the Baker case; he violates Sharon's instructions to stay far away from the patient and continues to try to justify what he did. He lashes out at the parents of Nat's patient when he finds out that none of their kids are vaccinated. When Nat becomes exposed to Influenza B while giving booster shots at the kids school, he really goes off on them. Nat seems to accept Will's apology, and calls him gallant (?!) for going off on the parents in her defense. Connor and Choi have an LVAD patient who is far down on the transplant list and sick of the complications from the device. After he removes the batteries and causes himself to crash, Connor rethinks his position and visits Dewey for advice. He ends up taking the LVAD out over Choi's objections, and the patient dies. Sam tells Connor that she's going to be leaving Med to take up a position of head of trauma at Johns Hopkins. 

Chicago Med
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Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Then honor his wishes. I hope when my time comes, to be so lucky as to have someone extend me the same consideration.

Downey [to Connor]

You know, I have tried to be supportive of you, but one more misstep and I will suspend you. You will be barred from this hospital until the lawsuit is settled, and when it is, I will recommend to the board that you be terminated. I'm done.

Sharon [to Will]