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Erin runs into an old high school friend who wonders if she’s going to go to the reunion. Voight and Justin talk about his new job. The team investigates a murder that’s similar to ones that went on in New York.

Back at the office, Erin tells Jay that he needs to wear his suit because they’re going to her reunion, and they are engaged. They decide to be proactive and comb the streets looking for evidence. Antonio asks Burgess to man the phones in their office upstairs.

Law and Order: SVU makes a crossover, lending their help with the serial killer. Erin and Jay narrow in on a potential suspect, Jeffrey Baker, but he refuses to talk to them. During the interrogation another woman is raped and beaten. The young girl gives her statement, and Burgess is able to find a man matching the description: Neil Vance.

In a stakeout, they notice Baker is attempting to visit Vance in his hotel room, but runs away when he sees them following him. They take him back to the station, and later to the cage. Where Voight begins to cut off his ears.

They find Vance at the pier and Kyle gives chase. Olinsky takes the shot and kills him. Erin and Jay decide to forgo the reunion and Erin talks about her past. Voight calls Justin, but there is no answer. Justin shows up at Erin’s apartment with blood on his hands.

Chicago PD
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