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Intelligence investigates a crime scene of a man shot dead in his car. 

Ruzek and Olinsky check out the victim's place, which has been trashed. Olinsky finds a hard drive hidden in the wall. 

The victim, Bobby, had a lot of enemies thanks to his job of filming death and crime. 

Burgess' sister NIcole arrives to visit, but it turns out she hates Ruzek now. 

Ruzek and Atwater chase down a suspect in a mall. 

Olinsky and Voight try to track down the woman, Sarah, in the video from the hidden hard drive. They question her about the video, and she says she didn't know Bobby was filming her. 

Burgess learns that her sister is getting a divorce. 

They find out Sarah lied to them and then discover she disappeared. They track her down at a hotel and bring her in for questioning. They find out she was in a relationship with Bobby and suspect they were blackmailing her dad. She denies it. 

The ME finds a memory card that Bobby swallowed. The card shows Sarah confronting her dad about him raping her. 

Voight senses the tension between Halstead and Lindsay. He tells Halstead to clear things up or he's gone. 

Sarah's lawyer arrives. Lindsay asks her to waive her right and just talk to her. 

Lindsay shares her own experience with her mom to get through to Sarah. 

Sarah says her father admitted to killing Bobby. She recorded their conversation.



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Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 18 Quotes

Voight: Hey you're gonna miss your bus.
Kid: Who got popped?
Voight: A kid who missed his bus.

Ruzek: It's Adam. Remember I last saw you at your husband's birthday?
Nicole: Oh I remember you. I had your engagement photo pinned to my fridge for eight months.