Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 18 Review: Little Bit of Light

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Work is getting a little awkward for Lindsay and Halstead now, huh? 

Actually, at first, it was a little weird that neither of them was talking about the elephant in the room, but as Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 18 went on, it became clear there was tension in the air. 

And when Voight started to pick up on it? Well, that's never a good thing. 

A Wealthy Family - Chicago PD

Voight never liked the idea of the members of his team dating, but even he eventually had to accept that he had no control over it. He can control just about everything else in Intelligence, but not matters of the heart. 

It was bad enough when things went south with Burgess and Ruzek, but at the time of their split, Burgess was still on patrol. If Lindsay and Halstead break up for good, will one of them be kicked out of Intelligence? 

Voight: Trouble at home?
Halstead: No, we're just working some stuff out.
Voight: I heard all that before. I'm done with that now. I warned both of you. So clear it up, get back to doing your job, or you're gone, you understand?

Let's be honest. If one of them had to go, it'd be Jay. There's no way Voight is going to pick him over Erin. She's practically his daughter, and no amount of claiming nepotism would save Jay's job. 

Granted, if it actually did come to that, which it won't, Jay would probably resign. He wouldn't want to make things worse for Erin than they already are. 

It's very chilly in there. 

Awkward at Work - Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 18

Lucky for them, they're both professionals, and they'll put their differences aside to get the job done. Hey, maybe this is an opportunity to switch up the partners for a little while.

Burgess and Lindsay work amazingly well together. I wouldn't complain if we got to see them partnered up more. Not permanently of course. Lindsay and Halstead need to work this out, but in the meantime, why not?

Olinsky could probably use a break from being partnered with Burgess anyway, to tell the truth. 

Ruzek: It's Adam. Remember I last saw you at your husband's birthday?
Nicole: Oh I remember you. I had your engagement photo pinned to my fridge for eight months.

Burgess and Ruzek are dealing with their own problems. 

Kim's sister, Nicole, is in Chicago after a split with her husband, and while Kim may have forgiven Ruzek, Nicole definitely hasn't. 

A big part of that could be that she's dealing with her own marital issues, but despite that, who can blame her? 

It's basically her job to hate the man who strung her sister along for months and dragged his heels on marrying her. 

It looks like she's going to be sticking around for awhile, so Ruzek has plenty of time to try and win her back over to his side. Good luck Adam!

She Hates You Now - Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 18

At least Nicole and Platt can be besties. How great was Platt's reaction to finding out Burgess talked her up to her sister? I especially loved the two thumbs up she gave when she dropped Nicole off upstairs. 

It was not one of the most exciting cases they've ever had, but it did provide some touching moments. 

Lindsay struggled to get through to Sarah until she drew on her own personal experiences with Bunny. it always helps draw me in when they can find a connection with the victims. 

My mom never even told me who my dad is. It was always just me and her, and she was a terrible parent. She failed me every time. And I took it, because I had no choice. She was all I knew, all I had. So I stand there in front of her, and I take it on the chin. And every single hit has hurt. So I look at you and I look at what you're going through, and I think to myself there's gotta be a time where we stop standing up for more.


Lindsay understands drug addicts, and she knows from personal experience that it can make good liars. 

Ruzek and Atwater Work the Case - Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 18

Atwater also connected with that adorable little girl. Even after the case was solved, he couldn't help but watch the video footage of her. Even Voight was touched. 

He's usually such a hard ass, but when his softer side shows, you better have some Kleenex handy. 

It's definitely not his M.O. to be getting guys out of jail, but for a couple of hours at least, that's what he did. 

And it made that little girl's day. She'll remember that for the rest of her life. 

It was truly awful what Sarah's dad did to her, and that she was still willing to protect him despite the fact that he raped her when she was only nine years old. 

At least she was smart enough to record their conversation. It might be too late to take him to court for rape, but at least he'll go away for a long time for murder. 

Olinsky Finds a Clue - Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 18

Hopefully the rehab program Lindsay got her into sticks. She's got a lot of demons to work through. 

So what did you guys think of the case? Are you worried about Linstead? Did Voight put tears in your eyes? Hit the comments and let us know!

Don't forget, you can watch Chicago PD online any time!

Little Bit of Light Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (18 Votes)

Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 18 Quotes

Voight: Hey you're gonna miss your bus.
Kid: Who got popped?
Voight: A kid who missed his bus.

Ruzek: It's Adam. Remember I last saw you at your husband's birthday?
Nicole: Oh I remember you. I had your engagement photo pinned to my fridge for eight months.