Father-Daughter Bonding  - Cobra Kai Season 3 Episode 7
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Sam has a nightmare about Tory coming to Miyagi Do to fight her and blame her for everything.

Johnny helps Miguel work out his legs until he can walk again. They throw out his wheelchair and crutches.

Miguel and Johnny try to brainstorm some names for a new dojo. Miguel is returning to school and offers to recruit some newbies. Johnny wants to look into new places.

The LaRussos tell Sam that with everything going on with Cobra Kai, Daniel is going to open Miyagi Do back up and Amanda gives her blessing. Sam doesn't react well and Daniel plans to let her play hooky so they can spend the day together.

The school gives Miguel a warm welcome.  Hawk is eager to have Miguel back at Cobra Kai but Miguel plans to wait to tell him he's not coming back. Miguel sees Demetri and asks about his arm, so  Demetri tells him.

Johnny has a hard time finding a cheap place for his new dojo.

Sam and Daniel go fishing. She tells him about her panic attacks and why she doesn't want to do karate anymore.

Kyler bullies Demetri over his cast. Hawk does nothing about it. Hawk excludes his best friend from the table since he is no longer part of Cobra Kai and sends him to the reject table.

Miguel confronts Hawk about Demetri and what Hawk did and asks him to join Johnny's new dojo.

Johnny shows up at the school and tries to recruit cobra kai kids reminding them of where they came from. He tells them to join his dojo.

Sam and Daniel talk more about Sam's anxiety and the root of it and he tells her how he faced the same.

Yasmine signs Demetri's cast when she sees him getting bullied by Kyler again  Daniel and Sam train at Miyagi do.

Johnny meets his new kids at the park to practice and gives them a new name. Eagle Fang Karate

Cobra Kai crashes and Kreese tries to recruit Johnny one more time before telling Johnny he'll regret not joining.


Cobra Kai
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Cobra Kai Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

I froze, OK? I watched my friends get hurt. I watched Demetri get his arm broken, and I couldn't do anything. And now I'm having all of these panic attacks, and I don't know if I'll be able to defend myself again.


Johnny: We need something that tells everyone we're the most badass dojo in the Valley.
Miguel: Yeah. It sucks that Cobra Kai is such a badass name.
Johnny: What if we just keep that? We spell our cobra with a K. They can call us triple K.
Miguel: Like KKK?
Johnny:  Yeah. That's probably a bad idea.

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