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Walker gets a call from an old acquaintance about two burglary/homicides in upscale San Diego neighborhoods.The gang involved cases these homes with females pretending to fund-raise. Zeke, the leader/shooter, stays sober while the others binge on drugs. They break into a third home, with Zeke eventually killing the couple who live there, this time in front of the others. Also they took nothing from the home. Gang members debate splitting up after the murders. Zeke's girlfriend Bea lashes out at the others for being disloyal. Zeke convinces them to stay. Then Zeke tries to kill a wavering Germ, the other male, who fights back and gets shot dead. Garcia finds a series of such crimes once they identify Germ. Kay is suspicious of Germ's disappearance. It's revealed Bea is actually the leader, and she and Viv turn on Zeke, then Bea shoots him. The latest home they've broken into is Bea's parents' home. The BAU figures out that Bea is the leader, and head for her home. The trigger was her being cut out by her family. Kay and Viv try to run, but Bea shoots at them. Kay holds her at bay by picking up Zeke's gun before being shot. Walker disarms Bea and she's arrested. 

Criminal Minds
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Criminal Minds Season 12 Episode 10 Quotes

So there's one shooter, clear-headed, controlled, mature, on the hunt, while the others go along on a drug-fueled party binge.


Walker: I know I'm new here, but to me it seems like they won't stop.
Prentiss: I'd rather fly out there and find nothing than to stay here and see more bodies drop.