A Human Trafficking Ring - Deputy
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Paula and Maggie are dancing. It's Maggie's quinceanera, and they're preparing.

Paula loved hers, and it's a great party, and with only a couple of months before it arrives, they have a lot of work to do.

Bill calls Charlie and Joseph in for a talk about how they're handling Luna's death.

And as expected, Charlie will be Joseph's new training officer.

Bill is called before a group of suits. Bill only has eighty-six and a half days left for his appointment.

They're concerned about an operation he wants to undertake which they consider too expensive after he dissed ICE.

He disagrees, and the operation is underway.

There is a truck container in the back of the property. Human traffickers.

The lead lady wants Hollister.

Her name is Valeria, an old friend of Bill's. Who is apparently undercover in human trafficking.

Ohhh. She was his informant. She's a courier now. Had no choice because she owes money.

Bill doesn't care much for her brother who she's still protecting.

Charlie isn't immediately impressed with Joseph and his roving eyes.

Valeria wakes up, looking like a sexpot. Paula stays home from work.

Teresa visits Cade at work. Roberto and Camilla are having their parental rights terminated, and they're open for adoption.

They hesitate, not because they don't want them but in case the kids don't want to be adopted by them.

It was Valeria who took Bill to the hospital the night he met Teresa.

Bill goes to Jerry for help placing Valeria. He'll owe him one. Bill says, make it two. He never forgets.

Charlie takes Joseph to her local bar. It's like their family room, a place to hang and relax.

Bill sends Cade after Ernesto Diaz, the name Valeria gave them.

Bill scores $30 million from Homeland Security. They're matching the money lost from ICE to get in on the human trafficking stuff.

Cade keeps Bill at bay during the raid, so the Sheriff stays sheriff.

Valeria's name is given up before the raid.

Bill goes after a runner with a pretty scene in the LA waterways.

Valeria wants Bill to remember her. They were a lot closer than he's let on so far.

Jerry calls in Charlie to tell her that if Joseph doesn't work out, the blowback will fall on her. The guy doesn't get it. He outright asks her to spy. She says she understands but doesn't say yes.

Joseph can't get served at the bar without Charlie, so he meets some other dude who asks him to drink with him and his friends.

Paula and Maggie meet Bill at the stable to practice dancing for the quinceanera.


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Deputy Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Paula: Was she ever more than an informant?
Bill: Yes. Yeah, she was. Before you changed my life.

ICE Agent: They're undocumented. What don't you understand about that?
Cade: They're victims. And witnesses. We need to interview 'em. Sorry, but it looks like y'all are going home empty-handed.