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Mommy and daughter are at it again. 

Alexis is trying to assimilate herself into everyone's lives but no one is interested except for Steven and Sammy. 

As they celebrate their engagement at her loft during breakfast, she offers to take Sammy shopping to "get to know him."

Her intentions aren't pure, however, as she plans to get rid of Sammy and a little sleuthing on Fallon's part reveals her plan is to frame him for robbery. If he gets arrested, he'll be deported. 

Fallon arrives at the store in the knick of time and foils Alexis' plan putting the stolen watch in her pocket instead.

When Alexis is locked up, she tries to use this as leverage to get rid of her. 

However, Steven bails mommy dearest out and when Fallon tries to tell him what happened, Alexis spins the truth and makes it seem like Fallon was the one trying to frame Sammy. 

Steven foolishly believes his mother so Fallon turns to Liam to come up with another plan. 

Sammy suggests they drug Alexis during the engagement party because apparently when you are high on molly, you tell the truth. 

Fallon is hesitant about including Sammy in her plan but agrees. However, after she slips the drug into the champagne, she's distracted by Culhane, who came to the house to pick up his things from Cristal. 

She mixes up the glasses and accidentally gives Sammy the molly which has him dancing and singing on a table in no time. Steven is definitely embarrassed considering this looks bad for his political platform which relies on his now-sober narrative. 

Fallon decides to blame Alexis for drugging Sammy and she succeeds in getting her to admit she was trying to frame Sammy earlier. 

However, Steven is upset with both of them as they'll both to great lengths just to one-up each other and come out victorious.

He tries to tell Alexis to pack up her things and leave but she claims she acted so irrationally because she didn't want to lose another son.

To save her own face, she finally tells Steven all about the actual first-born Carrington son, Adam, who was kidnapped. 

She claims she lost all of her money trying to find him and Steven vows to help her out financially. 

Meanwhile, Fallon and Liam grow closer and share their first kiss. Will this faux-marriage turn into the real deal?

Much like Fallon, Blake is having an adverse reaction to Alexis' arrival. 

He goes on a bender and threatens to fire his staff after they cater her breakfast. 

"You respond to Cristal and me," he tells the staff before firing his longtime chef. 

When he realizes that Anders re-hired the chef, he throws a fit and fires him too. 

However, he soon realizes he's made a grave mistake as the Manor literally cannot function without Anders who holds everything together. 

He admits that he's been a bit sensitive because of his ex as he's still hurt by their past. 

But they have bigger things to worry about -- Culhane's father. 

Culhane quit after his father got really sick and ended up in the hospital.

Cristal paid them a visit and accidentally revealed that Cuhane has been lying to his parents about his role at Carrington Atlantic. 

To make up for it, she flew in a specialist to take over his father's care. 

Dr. Kim diagnosed him with lymphoblastic leukemia which is caused by environmental factors. 

It didn't take long for Cristal to put two-and-two together that Carrington Atlantic was responsible for making this man sick. 

She dug up some files to tell Culhane the truth, but when she arrived at the hospital, Blake had already gotten ahead of it. 

Whatever they covered up back then, he's not going to let Cristal expose it now. 

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