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Fallon and Liam agree that they want to be a part of Connor's life, but when Heidi refuses to stay in Atlanta so that he can get to know his son, they begin pursuing legal options. 

They meet with the Van Kirk lawyer who informs Liam he signed away parental rights when he gave the child up for adoption. 

Since pursuing a legal battle would be messy, Fallon takes it upon herself to dig up some dirt on Heidi beginning with where she went when she dumped Connor on their doorstep. 

She gets Blake's help and they travel to the address, where they find a zen meditation escape. 

On their way back, Fallon refuses to give up defeat after not finding any skeleton's in Heidi's closet, so she informs Blake that she's going to plant the dirt. 

She invites Heidi out for a mom's night out, pretends to leave her phone upstairs, Heidi grabs her car from the valet, which is not Fallon's car, and gets stopped by the police for stealing a Tesla. 

Fallon bails her out, and Heidi realizes that Fallon set her up. 

She looks to Liam for help, but he reveals he was in on the whole thing. 

Since ditching your child and car theft won't look good in court, they want her to agree to their terms. 

Heidi refuses and tells them they can't go to court cause it isn't Liam's son -- it's his dad's child. 

She confesses to having an affair with Liam's father after they broke up. She kept the secret at Laura's request. 

They confront Laura, who tells Liam she was doing it to protect him, but he doesn't believe her and uninvites her to the wedding. 

Lauran is furious and turns to Blake to offer him the sale of Carrington Atlantic in exchange for him breaking up the engagement. 

And just as Fallon and Blake began mending their fractured relationship. 

Blake helping Fallon upset Cristal, who thought they were going to become good people by starting a veteran clinic. 

She began handling the process herself, and got off on the wrong foot with the Father while not knowing he was a priest. 

When she went back to confess and atone, he confessed to flirting with her and looking forward to working with her. 

Sammy was hosting Culhane's All-Star Atlantix party and hired Kirby as the party planner. 

She did an exceptional job, but things took a wrong turn when Sammy's friend, Ramy, who once robbed the Manor, came to visit and needed a place to stay.

He told Sammy he went to prison because he covered for him, and Sammy felt guilty. 

When a Rolex went missing, Kirby suggested it was Ramy, but they searched his room and it came up empty. 

Kirby apologized, but Sammy realized Ramy did steal it by hiding it in the curtain rod. Ramy apologized and asked for a second chance, which Sammy agreed to, but he later realized his keys were missing. Ramy came to give them back to him, but he seemed to swap them with other keys. 

Adam and Alexis rushed Jeff Colby to the hospital after the poisoned him and he collapsed. 

At first, there was no medical diagnosis, but eventually, Adam realized that Colby was in acute liver failure. 

He was running out of time as Colby only had a few days to live, and they needed to find him a liver. 

Adam said no one was a match except for him, but he couldn't donate cause he had previously to his mother and another operation could kill him. 

He found a patient who was on his deathbed at the hospital but wasn't on the transplant list. They attempted to convince the wife, but she said her religion wouldn't allow it. 

Adam's second plan was to steal the liver, but the plan got botched, and eventually, he decided to donate and take his chances. 

Will he save Colby? 

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Dynasty Season 3 Episode 16 Quotes

Blake: What makes you think Heidi is such a bad mother?
Fallon: To have one is to know one.
Ander: She makes a good point.

Fallon: I need your help to do something dark and borderline illegal that no one can find out about.
Blake: What is it?
Fallon: You're the expert at taking kids away from their mothers. I want you to teach me how its done.