An Unexpected Role - East New York Season 1 Episode 14
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Regina is helping to coach a girls' track team. Bentley is for some reason in slow motion as hme runs and is out of breath after. Regina's friend wonders if he's single.

Quinlan falls asleep watching TV and wakes up to gunshots. Bentley has heard too and they go together to see what's going on.

There's some sort of party going on and a neighbor tells the loud partygoers to stop so he can sleep.

Everyone in the hallways claims not to have heard gunshots.

Meanwhile the neighbor threatens the guy with the party. He leaves and all the partygoers laugh.

Bentley and Quinlan have found that someone who went to the party shot a streetlight. Regina goes to the party house and the grandma is in a wheelchair and ays she's already told Cody not to keep peoploe up.

There are screams from the party apartment. Cody is dead.

Suarez's  mother comes to see him. His brother's church is being sold. She's annoyed that Suarez doesn't seem to care. She wants him to go see his brother.

Sandeford finds Bentley in the locker room resting and asks him to move.

Cody's grandma says she didn't hear anything. His niece says she didn't want to attend the party but came to see why the cops were there. The grandmother says a guy named Renaldo Bricks and probably a guy name Damon. She is too upset to continue talking.

Suarez's brother quotes Scripture about Jesus throwing out the moneychangers.

A witness says that Cody could be volatile and that his girlfriend was named Savannah. The cops go to talk to Svannah who takes off on a bike but fallls. The cops arrest her.

Savannah says she left to meet someone else but won't give other info.

Suarez meets with the person buying the church, who is someone he arrested before. He tries to convince him not to buy it but Adam won't listen.

Bentley runs into the coach. Quinlan appears to be jealous.

Regina and the coach witness one of the track stars arguing with an older brother.

Quinlan points Killian and Morales to Dre'man, who tells them eventually about the neighbor who threatened to shut down the party.

Regina intends to find out who that guy bothering Georga is. A guy comes and wants to watch the practice. Regina won't let him.

Sandeford tries to help Quinlan. They talk to Lorenzo who immediately says he didn't kill Cody. He says he was on the phone with his ex-wife and ordering slippers for his mom. He suggests Cody was spending the grandma's money and Tiffany resented it.

Yenko has found out that the car is registered to a man who is in jail for fraud etc. His son was probably driving. He also has a record for car theft.

Killian is hoping Corinne's restaurant will fail now that she's dumped him. They have financial records showing Cody spending a lot of money. Killian doesn't like that Quinlan has info when she's not a detective. Quinlan says that taking care of her aunt was Tiffany's whole life.

Allison has pastrami on rye for Suarez. He's impressed she knows this deli. She wants to talk to him about Adam.

Regina tells Georgia about Tonya's boyfriend. She wants Georgia to focus on track and stay disciplined. Tonya says she doesn't need anyone to tell her how to live her life.

Morales and Killian tell Tiffani and the grandmother that Cody was stabbed.  They want Tiffany to come with them. She makes a lot of excuses but her ant says she will be fine.

Suarez's brother talks to Allison and Suarez about the church. They talk to the Archbishop who says they can't save the church.

Tiffany seems nervous. She says Lily was there for her when she was little so she takes care of her now. Tifanny says that Cody was burning through Lily's money. She asked him to contribute something to she could have a home health aid. It got physical. Yenko comes in to try to lay the foundation for self-defense.  She admits she thought that Cody was going to kill her.

Lorenzo grills Quinlan about why she is living there. He doesn't like that she is a cop.

Adam wants to be deferential in case Suarez becomes PC. Suarez tells him to rip up the sales contract and repair the church. If he doesn't, the cops will be watching his every move.

Sabrina tells Regina that Georgia has quit and doesn't want either of them to contact her.


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East New York Season 1 Episode 14 Quotes

Suarez: I don't think there's a lot I can do.
Mrs. Suarez: You could call your brother.
Suarez: Not for nothing, but he could call me too.
Mrs. Suarez: So you don't call him and he doesn't call you?

Bentley: Sorry to call you out here for nothing.
Regina: It's all right. Anytime shots are fired in a place where two of my officers are living, I need to know about it.