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Lucious went out of his way to ensure that Hakeem's running of Empire would be called into question. He started with planting drugs in Menage a Trois' equipment and it was all seized, meaning there was no way that they could perform their set. 

At a meeting with the stakeholders, Lucious became the front runner when he got people to ask Hakeem terrible questions. The next morning, Hakeem lost his place at the company and Lucious was reinstated. 

Cookie went out her way to ensure that Jamal couldn't work with Freda, but Jamal fought back and chose her in the end, leaving Cookie fearing that she's going to find out about Lucious murdering her father.

Andre visits Rhonda and they find Anika throwing up. She reveals that the baby is Hakeem's and they take her to the family home, but Cookie and Lucious laugh the claims off. 

Later, Lucious goes to her home and threatens her to leave his son and the family alone, but she doesn't want any of his money. 

Thirsty checked Lola's hair to see if she was Jamal's kid, but she wasn't. 

He then went to a home and found Lucious' mother alive and well, singing the song that Lucious remembers from that day she apparently died.

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Empire Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Rhonda: Are you pregnant?
Andre: Who's the father?
Anika: It's Hakeem.

Lucious: I'd love to put some of your thoughts to work.
Cookie: Yeah, I think you already did that.