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Isaac and Nigel walk in as Jay is hosting a new experience for some guests. The guests pull out a skull with their fishing poles.

The skull is revealed to be Trevor's body. Trevor's parents arrive at Woodstone Manor.

Nigel, Pete, and Thorfinn watch the ants in the shed. Isaac is a bit uncomfortable as Nigel's former lover Jenkins is sitting in the shed watching them. After they leave, he spills to Thorfinn and Pete that he kissed Nigel on Christmas Eve.

Trevor's parents came to Woodstone Manor to walk the ground since they just discovered where the body had been all this time. His parents show Sam photos of Trevor as a baby.

Trevor's Bar Mitzvah was Mel Gibson themed. Trevor's parents reveal that they got divorced; his mother still lives in the family home.

Pete turns to Hetty, Alberta, and Flower for advice on what to do about Jenkins's revelation. Flower accidentally spills as Isaac walks into the room; the group spills to Isaac the truth.

Trevor is heartbroken that his parents are divorced. After Sam talks about her parents being divorced, Trevor wants to plan a memorial to trick his parents into getting back together. Trevor thinks it was his fault that his parents broke up; he wants to fix it.

Sam is onboard to throw a memorial. Jay reluctantly agrees to hold the memorial.

The parents have awkward small talk, but Trevor gives Sam tips on how to lift the mood for the pair. Like giving them their favorite food from their anniversary and playing their favorite song.

Isaac confronts Nigel about the rumors from Jenkins. Nigel confirms that it was true; they were broken up/on a break for that short time. Isaac says it's over for them.

Trevor gives Sam the idea of what movie to put on for the pair. After Sam and Jay leave, Trevor's father receives a work phone call that ends the mood between the couple.

Isaac is in sad spirits after the fight with Nigel. The group thinks that Isaac should find someone else to hook up with. Thorfinn recommends a ghost at the neighbor's house.

Jay tells Sam that the parents are going to leave the next morning. Sam comes up with an idea for Trevor to text his father and pretend to be the mother; sending him flirty texts.

Alberta confirms that Trevor's parents hooked up the previous night; most of the ghosts watched them do it.

Tara Reid attends the memorial as a celebrity cameo set up by his brother.

George, the puritan ghost from the neighbor, wants to get a bit too kinky. Isaac is not interested in the conversation.

The memorial is held. Tara Reid does a speech unveiling a new food promotion, and she reveals that Trevor's father slipped her his number. His mother is mad and walks away.

Isaac apologizes to Nigel about their fight. He doesn't think Nigel should live in the shed with Jenkins anymore; he invites Nigel to move into the manor in a different room. Nigel agrees to the offer and plans to move into the library.

Sam and Jay confront Trevor's parents about their divorce and argument. The parents reveal that Trevor's death wasn't the reason for their divorce; the dad had been cheating on the mother and they stayed together until the kids would move out. The parents speak out to Trevor to tell him not to feel upset.

Sam has a heart-to-heart with Jay about the future and the fear of getting divorced.

Tara Reid says goodbye to Sam and Jay. As she's walking and texting, a vase is pushed onto the floor. Sam saves her in time before she falls down the stairs. Trevor had pushed the vase in the hopes of killing Tara so that she'd become a ghost to be with him.

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Ghosts Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Guest: Is that a human skull?
Jay: Of course it is.
Thorfinn: That probably end of “Bait to Plate.”

Pete: What do you mean, “liaison”?
Jenkins: I guess you’ll have to ask Nigel, won’t you? Let those lips tell you themselves what they’ve been up to.