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Months after Beth's shooting of Rio, Beth is working at a paper store, Ruby is working at a nail salon, and Annie is valeting cars. The women meet at Beth's paper store late to create counterfeit money. They take the money to the cash checking place where JT works, but the cash doesn't pass through the scanner.

Ruby visits with Stan at his new job, where he is bouncing at a local strip club, while Beth takes her children to the park where she's become friends with a fellow mom. The mom, Rhea, is revealed to be Rio's son's father.

Turner, having made a ton of arrests involving local gangs, heads to a hotel where he meets with Rio, who is revealed to be alive and helping Turner arrest people.

Beth convinces Ruby and Annie to ask her co-worker Lucy to help with the designs of the cash by telling her they are using the cash for a casino night. Lucy agrees and with her design, the counterfeit money passes through the scanner.

Ruby and Annie discover Beth is hanging out with Rhea and advise against it. Later, Turner drops by the paper store to check on Beth prompting her and the ladies to burn the newly crafted money out of fear.

Ruby's latest insurance appeal for Sara's medicine is denied, while Beth fears about losing her house. Beth confides this in Rhea, and she writes her a check to cover the late mortgage fees.

Using a tip from Rio, Turner and his team prepare to make a bust at a warehouse but when they arrive it's empty. Soon thereafter, the men and women are ambushed and shot.

Meanwhile, Rio checks out of the hotel and appears to be a free man.


Good Girls
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Good Girls Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Annie: These are microscopic inconsistencies. It's close enough.
JT: Okay, boo. Close enough'll get you ten to twenty in the state pen.

Annie: Freezing out here. Have to slice up a horse and crawl in Revenant style.
Ruby: Where you gonna find a horse?
Annie: Fine. A big dog.