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Beth calls the cops on the man Rio has parked outside her home, but after being threatened by him, she sends the cops away.

Dean buys a gun as a way to protect his family from Rio.

Sara gets fired from her tutoring job after she is accused of stealing an expensive pen. Stan immediately believes she’s guilty and puts her on punishment, while also searching her room for the pen.

Beth meets with Rio at a bar in the middle of the night and tells him that she lost the baby. She then asks him what it would cost to spare her life, and he tells her $100,000.

Annie continues her sessions with Dr. Cohen, and after sharing a hug, Annie returns later and flirts with him, believing the two to have a connection. However, Dr. Cohen rebuffs her advances.

While at a bar brainstorming how to accumulate cash, Ruby steals what she believes to be a signed Gordie Howe jersey from the men’s bathroom. But when they take it to the pawn shop, they find out the jersey is a fraud.

At the pawn shop, Ruby finds the pen that Sara was accused of stealing. She confronts Sara, who eventually tells the truth, and Ruby and the ladies use the money Sara got for the pen to make more fake cash.

After the mover attempts to use Rio’s men to move cash, Rio abducts the mover and forces him to give up his boss. This leads Rio to Beth, whom he forces to show him how the money is made.

Good Girls
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Good Girls Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Beth: Guys, I can't live like this.
Annie: Okay, okay. Here's what we do. We go to Canada, and get a baby.
Ruby: Get a baby?
Annie: Well, she said she's having his baby. We're gonna need a baby.

Beth: How much am I worth?
Rio: You couldn't afford it.
Beth: What if I could?