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Rio shows Beth the bullets that hit him and then tells her that he’s going to kill her. Beth stops him by telling him that she’s pregnant.

Beth and Dean have sex repeatedly, and later Beth takes multiple pregnancy tests, which are all negative.

Now that Stan knows that Ruby is engaging in illegal activities again, he doesn’t want to know any of the specifics.

Annie continues seeing Dr. Cohen for therapy sessions and begins to wonder if Beth tries to be the boss of her.

Annie shows Beth and Ruby a viral video of the mover, who’s been washing their money, getting arrested. The women visit the mover in jail, and he tells them that the latest money he’s washed is in his van at the impound lot.

Ruby ask Stan for a favor, and he is able to get the van out of impound, while the ladies post bail for the mover.

After suggesting to the ladies that they take a break in regards to the money scheme, Beth informs them that Rio is back.

Beth attempts to apologize to Rhea and tells her that she’s not pregnant. Later, Rio takes Beth to the doctors and insists on doing an ultrasound. The doctor informs Rio that Beth is pregnant.

After he leaves the room, Beth thanks her for lying, and Beth discovers Rhea told the doctor to lie.

Dean is propositioned by Gayle at work, but he declines to have dinner with her.

When Beth arrives home one evening, Dean tells her that a man has been camped out in their backyard under orders from his boss to watch Beth.


Good Girls
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Good Girls Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Dr. Cohen: Okay, hear me out. What if your behavior is just reinforcing her behavior?
Annie: Wait, like you mean it's my fault she's a total control freak?
Dr. Cohen: Or instead of acting like a child, try to consider where she's coming from.

Ruby: A safe word can't be two words.
Stan: Babe, only way this works is if I know nothing.
Ruby: So, it's just egg roll then?
Stan: You don't want to hear about my job and I can not hear about yours.