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A homeless man follows Callie into the apartment and is having a mental illness episode. Callie is on the phone with Jamie so he comes home as soon as he can. Callie is able to settle the man down, but the police come and threw him to the ground and took him away.

Callie and Jamie disagree on how to deal with it and about how to resolve the homeless issue. Callie speaks to the organization Malika works at and finds out about the city's plans to open up mental facilities that are like prisons to get stick the homeless.

Callie finds out that Jamie's firm is trying to convert the housing development into one of those facilities. She finds his files and wants to challenge him on it.

Dennis and Gael spend the day together. Gael is going stir crazy without a steady job. He asks Dennis about his life. They have a game of dares. Eventually Dennis tells Gael about his son and shows him the mural. He asks him to make something ij Jacob's memory and Gael said he would think about it.

Malika gets an offer to take a deal that puts her brother and father at odds. Mariana asks Evan to help her figure out who wrote the manifesto. He says it's Raj.

Isabella is upset when Raj backs off of their friendship. She meddles with his and Mariana's relationship.

Alice sleeps with a scout. She offers an opportunity to Lindsay and Alice.

Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

Communal living. You know, Rent includes water, power, and spontaneous orgies.


Sumi: Oh, hey. Good morning.
Kelly: Is it?