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Bruce is at St. Ignatius looking for Jerome. The headmaster has a bomb attached to him and tells Bruce who Jerome was looking for. Jim and Bullock arrive and the headmaster blows himself up.

Jerome holds a brunch meeting with all the criminals including Penguin, Firefly and Freeze. He has a plan. Tetch finally shows up.

Gordon warns Bruce to stay away from the case.

Jerome invades a design firm looking for Xander. Jim and Bullock arrive and they chase after him but Firefly is there and helps Jerome escape.

Jim realizes that the initials of the engineer on the Wayne Building is XW and go to see Bruce.

The Riddler has a game show in the Narrows. Riddle Time at the Riddle Factory. If the contestant wins he gets cash. He didn't answer correctly so the Wheel of Misfortune is spun. It's a horrible punishment but Lee comes and stops the game.She wants to shut the game down. Everyone is not happy. Lee challenges Ed. If she wins the place gets shut down. I love Lee.

Jerome visits a girl looking for Xander and she knocks Jerome out.

Penguin visits Butch at a bar (it looks like Harvey's bar). He tells him that Jerome has plans for Gotham's underworld. He wants Butch back for when he takes control back.

Jim and Bullock visit Alfred and Bruce asking about Xander. They figure out that Xander is hiding from Jerome.

Jerome wakes up in a cement box.  Xander has him. Bullock and Jim show up at Xander's place. He sees them from the cameras. Xander lets them in.

Wilde looks just like Jerome. Xander is his twin brother. Jim discovers that Xander is holding Jerome prisoner.

FINALLY, back to The Riddler Game Show. He starts the game with Lee. She starts playing her own game with him and learns the answer. Now it's her turn to ask him a question. 

Back to Jerome.  Jerome's cronies infiltrate Xander's place.  Jerome finds Xander or Jeremiah and confronts him. Jerome escapes.

Lee asks Riddler her riddle. She tries to trick him and succeeds. he can't say the answer, "I Love You." She wins. The game has to be shut down.

Penguin goes back to Butch and tells him he knows how to reverse Butch's condition. Butch agrees to join Penguin and threatens him that he better deliver or else.

Riddler is sad his game is over. Lee wants to know why he decided to open his shop in the Narrows. She knows he's been in love with her and she kisses him. WTF.

Jim brings Jeremiah to the GCPD and puts him into protective custody.

Penguin brings Butch to meet Jerome. Freeze brings a businessman to Jerome and Scarecrow tests his stuff on him and the guy goes crazy. He turns into a laughing fool. His face contorts into the Joker face.



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