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After being called to a meeting with Gigi, Sky is terrified. They know she found something. 

Gigi hid a key in a book in her locker.

Mrs. P asks Jason to watch Danny.

Alicia is the new manager. 

Santiago is ready to fight for the hotel. 

Santiago wants to kick out El Rey for his disruptive behavior.

Javi confronts Ingrid about their supposed night together. 

Ingrid did some thorough research and convinced Javi she was telling the truth. 

Alicia tells Santiago her idea about giving El Rey a residency, and he shoots down the idea. 

Ingrid tells Mateo she took care of the pregnancy. 

Mrs. P cleaned out Sky's locker. 

Mateo's employers want half a million dollars by the end of the week for Santiago to keep the hotel. 

Santiago has a change of heart about El Rey and gives him the residency. 

Yoli is still mad at Carolina because of sleeping with El Rey. 

After guests find Ingrid in their bed, Mrs. P fires her. 

Santiago is in the doghouse after Gigi finds out he not only didn't kick El Rey out but gave him a residency. 

Gigi feels like Santiago doesn't value her opinion. 

Ingrid goes to Javi and asks him to save her job. 

Gigi stands up to Carolina for Yoli. 

Javi goes to Mateo for help to get Ingrid's job back. 

Danny steals Alicia's key card. 

Mateo confronts Ingrid about telling Javi he is the father of the baby and agrees to help her keep her job. 

El Rey dedicates a song to Yoli in hopes of winning her over.

El Rey starts a fire.

Jason catches Danny, and Danny comes clean about being Sky's brother. 

Gigi holds a press conference to smooth over the fire incident and kills it. 

Jason hides the truth about Danny from his mom. 

Carolina sees Danny and likes what she sees. 

Santiago makes Gigi VP of PR and Events. 

Santiago is confident that his family can save the hotel. 

Someone leaves Sky's name tag for Mateo.


Grand Hotel
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Grand Hotel Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Alicia: Of course, this would happen on my first day.
Danny: Right, new manager gig.
Alicia: Hence, the dorky blazer.
Danny: I don't know, you look pretty good to me. I mean that's what I would say if we weren't keeping this strictly professional.
Alicia: Right, well, you know, just trying to look the part.
Danny: Yeah, definitely. Yeah with your name tag, your clipboard, your keycard.
Alicia: Oh, this one? Yeah, highest security clearance. I'm basically secret service for this thing.
Danny: Wow 'cause mine won't even let me into the gym.
Alicia: As if you need to spend more time at the gym, is what I would say if I were being less professional.

Ingrid: You called me Mamacita over and over all night long.
Javi: We totally had sex.