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After deciding to move in together, Rafael and Jane begin looking for a place. 

They fall in love with the one-bedroom apartment above Raf's current place but need to make a few lifestyle adjustments to be able to afford it. 

Plans fall through when Mateo accidentally breaks a four-thousand-dollar vase at the flea market which sets them back months. 

They decide to move in with Alba and even accept the separate-bedrooms rule. However, when they walk in on Alba spanking Mateo, a huge fight ensues and Raf moves out. 

We flash-forward nine-weeks into the future and the living situation along with Raf and Alba's fight has put a strain on Jane and Raf's relationship. 

Jane's working multiple shifts, he's putting in hours on his realty project with shady Chase. 

Eventually, Raf realizes that nothing is more important to him than his family and he takes the anti-dream job to be able to provide for his family. It also speeds up their move-in timeline. 

Rafael gets a surprising call from Rose who tells him that she has information for him that will "change his life forever."

Xo begins her cold-cap treatment ahead of chemo. She makes a cancer-friend named Donna who "shows her the ropes."

They begin spending a lot of time together and she's a good person to lean on as the chemo gets harder and harder. 

During one cold-cap, Xo is informed that Donna's cancer returned and she passed away. 

Xo realizes that there is no finish-line for her cancer and decides to pull the plug on the cold-cap therapy because it's not worth all the pain to potentially not lose her hair. 

One day River Fields stops by Xo and Ro's house to give Rogelio, who threatened to pull out of the American version of Santos, a piece of her mind. 

She accidentally eats a pot brownie and settles in with Xo to binge watch some telenovelas, a first for her even though she's been making irrational changes to Ro's script. 

When she realizes dramatic twists and turns are the essence of the genre, she gives him back full creative control. 

Petra and JR are enjoying being a couple when Petra once again becomes a murder suspect after a witness comes forward. 

That witness is Magda who gives JR a play-by-play of the night Anezka was presumably killed by her other daughter. 

Petra warms JR not to let her mother get in her head but JR begins to question Petra's broken heel that Magda mentioned in her deposition. 

This infuriates Petra and she kicks her girlfriend out because she "needs someone she can trust."

JR decides to come clean to the DA including how someone blackmailed her to frame Petra which clears Petra of all charges. 

Of course, this means she'll be disbarred but she did it so that she could finally stop living a lie. 

Petra feels guilty because the truth is, she is responsible for what happened to Anezka. 

Jane the Virgin
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Jane the Virgin Season 4 Episode 16 Quotes

River: I underestimated you.
Ro: Thank you, most people do.

River Fields: It’s cheesy.
Ro: It’s romantic. And romance is what telenovelas are about. A pornography of emotions. This can’t just be an ordinary American soap opera.