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Villanelle travels to Russia to visit her brother Pyotr. He recognizes her instantly.

Her mom arrives and she begins panicking. Both Pyotr and her mom believed she was dead.

Villanelle is uncomfortable around her mother.

The orphanage told Villanelle's mother she burned the place down and died in the fire. 

Villanelle was placed in the orphanage by her mom with the intention of coming back for her after one month. 

Villanelle plays a game and dances with her extended family. 

She tells her brother the orphanage told her they were dead.

Villanelle spends time with her brother. The town is preparing for the annual Harvest Festival.

Villanelle asks her mother's new husband about how she describes her. She expresses resentment over he mother's abandonment at a young age.

Villanelle attends the festival with her family and plays games. She wins a dung throwing competition. 

Villanelle's mother asks her to leave the next day. She tells her she's not apart of this family and that she doesn't belong here. 

Villanelle and her mother get into a fight. She tells her she has a darkness in her the same way she does.

Villanelle kills her mother and burns down her family home. She spares Pyotr and the youngest son in the family. She gives the kid money to go see Elton John in concert, like he dreamed of.

Villanelle cries on the train home.

Killing Eve
Episode Number:
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