A Global Case - Law & Order: SVU
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Some cops are spying and all they see is that some lady is arguing with her coworkers about who stole the yogurt. McGrath comes to see Benson and is in a bad mood.  He wants to know about the five rape cases. He wants arrests in New York and wants to know what the holdup is. He's mad that Shadowerk is winning. Benson explains that if they arraign the perps in New York the guy will put out hits on other judges.  McGrath doesn't care and wants perps arraigned today.

Jet decides to mess with the bad guys.

One of the victims is getting stir crazy. The mother says your ex-boyfriend caused all this. The girl doesn't care. She goes sightseeing and sees a guy sitting on a bench.. The guy attacks her and threatens to break her neck if she screams.

Meanwhile the perps are arraigned and McGrath makes a speech about how the NYPD is proud to be so proactive etc. We go through one rape case after another, including Harvey who loves his wife and doesn't know why he's being remanded.

Now Kate (the girl who was attacked again) no longer wants to testify.

Kate tells Bruno it was her own fault and didn't listen to her instincts.  She tells the cops about the second rape. SHe asks if Gil hired a second rapist. FIn promises it isn't anything she did wrong. She has a hood she spit into because her instincts told her to.

McGrath is angry that another rape has occurred. McGrath wants to know if there's anything to do. Jet has created a virus to mess up the server for Shadowerk. McGrath says they don't have a few days to get everything finalized 

Muncy and Velasco go to the prison and deal with a stupid defense attorney. Muncy is annoyed. SHe tells Velasco that McGrath congratulated her on arresting Elias and offered a job on a DA task force. She's thinking about it. She makes Velasco promise not to tell.

Bruno has got the sketch back but it's not very distinctive.

Benson and McGrath see that the virus is doing its job so far. McGrath wonders if they have to sit around waiting. JEt informs him computer crimes can take months or years.. Benson says if they move too fast the guy will shut the site down.

Fin tells Kate this attack was random. Kate's mother blames NYC and wants to go home. Kate worries this will keep happening to her. Bruno tells her she has to learn how to trust herself.

Meanwhile the perp in Kate's case has struck again, attacking a 14-year-old boy.

The boy doesn't want the cops and doesn't want to talk. They start to walk away and he suddenly wants to talk. He doesn't want to describe what the guy did to him. He doesn't want them to call his parents and says his mom will be mad at him. He wants to just go home.

Benson tells Stabler what's going on.

MEanwhle the site has been shut down and McGrath yells at Jet. Stabler tells McGrath to leave Jet alone. McGrath throws a tantrum and then says he has to tell the Feds that someone got away with murdering a judge.

Manny's mom yells at him for not being careful. She didn't know he was raped. (What happened to rape shield laws?) SHe says he can't be a man and refuses to consent to the rape kit. Bruno tries to talk to her while Fin talks to Manny. 

Rollins comes to see Benson. She says the site is his sole reason for being alive. He probably took it down because it was tainted and will put it back up again. He wants to take revenge on the world. Benson notes ROllins is enjoying this. Rollins says sick, right? She admits that she's not happy in her job and Carisi doesn't know. 

Another victim. This one was carrying a knife and stabbed the perp and the guy ran off bleeding.

Carisi comes to see Benson. He's upset because he's bringing a kid into a world someone wants to burn down. Benson says they will get the guy. The serial rapist who attacked Kate is finally caught while they are talking.

The perp claims he tripped on a box cutter. The cops arrest him.

Kate IDs the perp in a lineup. Carisi hopes she's going to give NYC another chance, but she can't promise that. SHe's leaving now and doesn't want to come back. Bruno tells her that she will be okay. She says don't tell my mom. Fin advises her to give it time.

Things wrap up on this case and Fin and Carisi go home but Stabler does not. Benson realizes they are being manipulated.

Benson and Stabler have Chinese food and Stabler wishes he could bottle this moment. He asks if she talked to Rollins. He notices she still has an unwrapped present from the McCanns from Christmas. She says the McCanns are so normal. Stabler asks to open it. She says no. He bothers her about why she's not opening it. He says she's afraid it's too normal. . They are interrupted by a strange call on the survelliance, a lady saying fine come ASAP. An IT guy is coming. 

The "IT Guy" has come out of nowhere. He's from a liberal arts college in Ohio. This could be the perp/

No one called him. He says he has a new server. Jet says if he takes the entire server there will be no evidence. The cops chase him down and catch him. The site is also back up and running faster than ever. A hit is listed on Benson and Stabler.

Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 22 Quotes

Justice deferred doesn't mean we're not going to get it. We have to be patient.


McGrath: Someone has to tell the Feds that the person who killed a federal judge got away with it.
Jet: At least people aren't getting raped and murdered.