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Higgins catches Magnum playing disc football before their meeting with a new client.

The client is a dean at Oahu State, who hires them to investigate anonymous allegations against a well-respected bioengineering professor, Sam Brody.

T.C., Cade, Gordon, and Dennis are gathering supplies for a camping trip at La Mariana.

Rick weasels an invitation to join them because he wants a break from Joy. Kumu agrees to watch the bar.

Gordon is using the camping trip to teach survival skills to Dennis, who is heading to the University of Michigan, and Rick is whining the loudest.

Rick has brought along a generator, to the delight of Dennis and Cade and the disgust of Gordon and T.C.

Cade admits to T.C. that he's not sure if he wants to go to college.

Thomas breaks into Brody's office and his electronics while he's teaching a class that Juliet is attending. He has to hang outside the window when Brody returns too soon.

Higgins meets Travis, a student in Brody's class who says Brody gives preference to pretty girls for research positions. Travis is a likely candidate to have made the allegations.

They stake out Brody's apartment, expecting him to hook up with one female student, Kelly, when another one, Helen, arrives instead.

Cade wants to enlist in the Marines, but T.C. feels that college is more important.

Helen storms off when Brody informs her someone else will get the research position because of the rumors about him floating around campus.

Rick's snoring kept everyone else up all night. Still, someone managed to steal their supplies overnight.

Lydia, one of Brody's past assistants, committed suicide after their relationship ended. Someone had been blackmailing her with explicit photos. Surveillance shows that was Helen.

T.C. and Rick talk about Cade's decision while they search for the stolen supplies.

The supplies had been taken by the son of a homeless man who was squatting in the forest. Rick lets them keep the supplies "on loan" until they don't need the m anymore.

Helen is a Chinese spy targeting Brody's research. She pulls a gun on him when he won't reconsider making her his lab assistant.

She knocks out Brody, copies all of his files, and steals his car. She's heading for the Chinese consulate.

Helen steals a motorcycle and Higgins takes another one to pursue her while Magnum races to cut off Helen. They stop her just short of the consulate.

Brody was allowed to resign and keep his tenure.

T.C. tells Cade he accepts his decision to join the Marines.



















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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 18 Quotes

Juliet: I guess we're going to have to surveil [Brody] the old-fashioned way.
Thomas: I guess we're going back to college.

Higgins: You're late.
Magnum: No, technically, I was here a little bit early. So I figured I'd do a little recon, scope the place out.
Higgins: Recon looks a lot like recess to me.