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In Dubai, Higgins drugs and knocks out the man with whom she is in bed. 

Rick and T.C. show up in an ambulance disguised as parademics.

But before they can drive away with the man, word comes through about two parademics found unconscious and stripped of their uniforms. Juliet and company are caught.

Magnum, The White Knight, comes to their rescue.

But this is all Jin's recreation of a White Knight adventure to entertain Rick's baby daughter Joy.

Ten days after he was shot and paralyzed, T.C. is checking into rehab at a VA hospital, which he's touring with Shammy.

Juliet tells Thomas her period is late. So she went to get a pregnancy test at her physician's office.

Magnum fumbles at this revelation.

They find a phone taped to the bench where they're supposed to meet their new client.

Their anonymous client is a hitman going by Xavier. He wants to know who took out his contract on a 12-year-old girl.

Xavier turned down the contract but assumes that another hitman would take it. He wants Juliet and Thomas to prevent that shooting.

He stashed all his intel on the phone but says they'll never hear from him again.

While clearning barnacles off his boat, Rick meets Piper, who does the same professionally.

Anna Park is the hitman's target. She goes to a boarding school that Robin supports.

Shammy pushes T.C. to try a board transfer.

Higgins discovers Anna has been a runaway since her mother's death.

Anna's favorite teacher, Margaret Neely, is absent but didn't call in.

Magnum finds that Margaret's house has been broken into.

An armed man gets the edge on them in hand-to-hand combat and escapes.

Katsumoto reports that Margaret was hospitalized after being run down by a car.

Thomas got the hitman's blood on his ring as they struggled.

Anna emailed Margaret from Molokai. Since Island Hoppers is grounded, Rick lines up a speedboat for them.

T.C. snaps at Shammy, who is trying to help him based on his experiences.

Magnum and Higgins discuss what impact her being pregnant would have on their lives.

Katsumoto calls to let them know the blood belongs to hitman Clint Watt, known as "The Ghost."

Therapist Millie informs T.C. that his blowing up was to be expected.

The armed man inside Anna's hideout is Xavier.

Anna recalled how Xavier snatched her from school and they got shot at shortly afterward. He brought her to Molokai.

Gordon and SWAT raid Watt's hideout but he's not there. 

Watt's payment came from the same trust that is paying Anna's tuition.

Shammy explains to T.C. that he's just trying to pay him back.

The powerful evangelist behind that trust was Anna's father. His son hired Watt to protect his inheritance and his evangelical empire.

Watt has caught up with them and wounds Xavier.

Xavier volunteers to act as decoy as Thomas can locate Watt.

Watt shoots Xavier twice before Magnum locates Watt and kills him. Xavier dies.

T.C. wriggles his toe while eating burgers. He feels something when Kumu runs the pinwheel over it.

Jimmy Lyons Jr. gets arrested for arranging the hit.

Piper visits La Mariana and offers to hang out sometime with Rick.

Juliet isn't pregnant. She and Thomas say "I love you" to each other.



























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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

Juliet: I'm late.
Thomas: I understand that you're late. I want to understand why you're late.
Juliet: No, Thomas. I'm late.

Thug: You really thought you could get away with this?
Rick: Yeah, we kind of did.
Higgins: Yeah, it felt like a good plan.
Rick: You know why? Because we brought backup.