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Jin is meeting with his ex-partner in crime Bo, who is getting out of prison.

Thomas and Juliet hold a virtual meeting with their latest clients, three online gamers who say that Artie, a gamer on Oahu, is missing.

The trio doesn't even know the real name for Artie (an abbreviation of his gamer name) or his address.

Higgins tracks back Artie's Doormates order to discover his name (Kilo Mona) and his address.

The door to Kilo's apartment is ajar and it's been trashed.

Artie had been threatened by fellow player Chewy on the Battlecraft message board. Chewy figured out where Kilo lived.

Bo claims Jin was his underling.

Bo is looking for his cut from their last job together before he went inside.

Jin buried the money then lost the map he drew of its location.

Bo promised his cut to Big Mike, a crime boss, in exchange for protection in prison and he's got to get it to him by the end of the day.

Jin hid the map behind an old dryer that the landlord sold. To get Jin out of their hair, Juliet determines who bought the dryer.

Higgins interrogates teen boy Chewy.

Chewy shows her that Artie's phone died at the Oahu Family Clinic, where Artie works and who said he hadn't been there in two days.

They go in posing as potential parents. They start to bicker and Dr. Lim leaves to give them a minute, allowing Juliet the time she needs to get into their computer system.

They discover that frozen embryos had been stolen from the clinic.

Dr. Lim says the theft hasn't been reported to the police because the thief is demanding $500,000 in ransom for the eggs.

Jin, Bo, and T.C. con the dryer's new owner into letting them see it.

Thomas and Juliet track the GPS from the embryos' containers and find Kilo dead.

They call and give Minka the bad news.

Jin reads his map wrong and has T.C. and Bo digging in the wrong spot.

The thief is now extorting Lim's most vulnerable patients instead.

One patient, Lana Turk, is meeting with the thief to pay him, putting herself at risk. But Thomas and Juliet intercede.

They use a female cop disguised as Lana to lure out the thief.

Jin recalls that the map was a decoy and that he'd given Bo's cut to their mentor Squirrel to hold.

The thief is Niko Parrish, according to the DNA under Kilo's fingernails. Lana is actually running the scheme.

Lana eludes the cops sitting on her house.

Magnum and Higgins interrupt the payoff and give chase.

Juliet captures Lana. Thomas saves the embryos while Gordie takes down Niko.

Niko had gone rogue. Instead of retrieving just Lana's embryos, he took all the embryos for blackmail.

Bo and T.C. make Jin refill both holes.












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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 15 Quotes

Rick: Let me guess: You lost it.
Jin: I'm not an idiot. I didn't lose it. I buried it and I drew a map to where it is.
Rick: So where's the map?
Jin: I lost the map.

Magnum: It looks like [Kilo] was grabbed ... violently.
Higgins: His friends were right to be worried.