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The episode kicks off with Cal having a dreamlike Calling. He's back on Flight 828 and sees the same flash of light that Ben saw when he opened the Al-Zuras book following TJ's "death."

He mutters "it's all connected" as a horror-movie scene plays out and in a dark room with the windows open. 

Zeke and Mic are enjoying a delicious breakfast together as she gets ready to talk to Internal Affairs about her claims that Jared is an X'er while he feels optimistic about getting the cure that Saanvi found. 

Once he gets to the hospital, he realizes something is terribly wrong with Saanvi. 

She explains that it's just some temporary "minor impulse control issues" as a result of the cure, but there's nothing minor about her hyper behavior and scatterbrained. 

She attempts to give him the cure, but Zeke eventually tells her he's going to fetch Alex so that she can get checked out. 

Alex is hesitant about helping Saanvi but agrees and gives her a shot that will tame her off-the-chart dopamine levels. 

When Saanvi wakes up as herself, the two share an emotional goodbye. 

Meanwhile, at the Stone household, Cal is still reeling from his dream and trying to build something in the nursery. 

Ben and Grace attempt to help while TJ and Olive study the Al-Zuras book. 

Tensions escalate in the household as Cal gets frustrated, Grace gets incredibly ill, and TJ begins to question why the Callings spared him.

Eventually, they realize that the "storm" they're all seeing isn't real because Olive, who doesn't get Callings, says its a perfect sunny day. 

Further translations reveal that they're experiencing the same storm that Al-Zuras and his people did. When Ben realizes Cal was trying to build a mast on the original ship, he helps him out, and once it's up, they all find themselves on the ship in the middle of a storm. 

Ben looks up and sees a plane -- likely Flight 828 -- which leads him to believe that both the Al-Zuras ship and the plane they were on were somehow at the same place at the same time. 

TJ also translates a warning about the Callings that essentially reveals that if you try to ignore them, they will drive you mad. The only way to beat the death date and to survive is to accept the Callings. 

Ben realizes this means Saanvi is in major danger. 

Over at the precinct, Mic is having a situation of her own as Internal Affairs turns everything around on her instead of Jared. 

They begin questioning how she's solved every case without any evidence or leads and insinuate that she may be faking cases to boost her record. 

They also find it suspicious that she was at the scene of the fire and attempt to pin it on her. 

Jared and Captain Bowers have a chat and he explains this wasn't the plan.

He confronts Simon and informs him he didn't give him the case files to take Mic down, but Simon informs him that the passengers are a risk and alludes to telepathy and seeing the future.

Jared says he doesn't know anything about that. 

When he sees Mic's FOP rep, he realizes it's one of Simon's men and realizes Mic is in danger. 

He arrests her for arson and then tells her he just saved her life and to keep her mouth shut. 

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Manifest Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Michaela Stone is a threat, we’ll do what needs to be done.


Zeke: Say Saanvi’s cure works, what do you want to do first?
Mic: Escape, I don’t know? Take a year, see the world.
Zeke: Hmm. You do realize that involves getting on a plane, right?
Mic: Oohhh.
Zeke: where do we go? Greece, Chile, Thailand?
Mic: Anywhere that’s not Jamaica would be great.