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President Wade and Vice President Silver unexpectedly show up at Fort Salem for the interrogation of Nicte Batan. Rendition is being used on Nicte to locate Spree leaders and cells. Nicte incinerates the renditioning witch and insists that Tally question her. Adil and Khalida's reunion is a rocky one over his use of violence. Nicte tells Tally that the Spree kill one civilian for every witch that dies in combat. Nicte says that Alder used Nicte's work to make the Liberian rebel witches kill themselves. Then Nicte used the same work to start the Spree. Wade orders Alder to step down for her illegal actions while keeping quiet her connection to the Spree. Raelle is taken off active duty to do a public-relations tour of the states. M informs the unit that Alder is stepping down. Alder reviews her long career with Petra, her successor. Petra grants Abigail's request to take the fight to the Camarilla. Raelle determines that Willa's love for her lives on in the mycelium. Willa shows her how Alder's song of grief created the mycelium out of dead witches. Raelle tells Izadora she's not going on tour. Petra promotes Anacostia to captain and head of intelligence. Quinn finds a home for Tiffany with a "dodger" family. Edwin invites Scylla to stay as long as she'd like. Scylla shows Quinn a spell that can be used against the Camarilla. Tally stops Nicte's execution by declaring Rite of Proxy, her life for Nicte's. She and Alder battle and Tally falls. Raelle, then Abigail, then other cadets step forward, also declaring Rite of Proxy. Tally tells about Alder's betrayal of Nicte, leading to Nicte's founding of the Spree. Alder apologizes for her past mistakes, giving her epaulets to Petra and leaves. Witch plague invades Fort Salem. 

Motherland: Fort Salem
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Motherland: Fort Salem Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

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Nicte: You haven't aged a day.
Alder: I could say the same about you.
Nicte: Other witches don't have to die to keep me looking young.