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Scarlett and Gunnar enjoy their tour, but when they get 24 hours off, she immediately returns to Nashville.

Luke and Colt continue to have father-son problems, and Colt struggles with lying to Maddie about why. 

Will signs his song with a publisher, but he's disappointed to hear that Wade Cole is the one who optioned it. 

Avery tries to get his career back on the tracks with a solo gig. Emily offers to help Avery pay bills with Juliette's money -- or hers -- but Avery refuses to let someone else provide for his child. Juliette texts Emily, who struggles with whether or not to tell Avery where his wife is.

Markus scraps one of his songs from his album at the last minute, which puts Rayna on edge. When Markus finally meets Deacon, he suggests he record one of Deacon's demos instead, but Deacon doesn't seem thrilled with the idea. 

Scarlett tries to make a romantic night for her and Caleb, but she's disappointed when he's too tired to get in the mood.

Gabriella schedules a photo shoot during Colt and Luke's quality time, doing more damage to their already broken relationship. 

Caleb and Scarlett have trouble connecting when they realize that their lives have taken different paths and they have very different interests.

Will is reassured when Wade tells him that he doesn't have a problem with homosexuality, but a little research shows him that Wade is part of an anti-gay movement. 

Maddie finds Daphne putting on her makeup and wearing her clothes, and she mocks her, hurting her feelings. 

Markus changes some of Deacon's lyrics, and while Rayna tries to be supportive, Deacon gets angry and accuses Rayna of leading Markus on. 

Avery ends up having to cancel his gig in order to make ends meet. 

Luke and Colt have it out, and Luke nearly punches his on in the confrontation. Colt decides to live with his grandfather instead of staying with Luke. 

Maddie realizes she's been a bad big sister, so she apologizes and helps Daphne find something to wear for their EP cover. 

Will decides to work with Wade for the sake of his career, even though he disagrees with the man's stance on homosexuality. 

Rayna tells Markus that their relationship is strictly professional, and he tells her it's all a misunderstanding. 

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Nashville Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Honestly, I wanted to hate him, and I don't.


You wrote a bunch of Rayna's songs, which means we obviously have the same taste in some things.
