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Tiffany Williams, who Deeks had helped, gets busted for prostitution. Callen meets with Anna. She's been suspended from ATF for shooting Abram Sokolov, partially based on Callen's testimony. That meeting doesn't go well, as she blames Callen for not backing up her story. Tiffany's probation gets revoked. Mosley is gone, as are Kilbride, Hetty, and all other administrators. The whole team has been subpoenaed by Rogers. Tiffany is working undercover as an informant for NCIS, but they can't give her an alibi. Tiffany was helping them build a case against Phillips Robbins, who disappeared after she was busted. Deeks agrees to speak with Whiting about Tiffany, but Whiting is uncooperative. Tiffany's mother said a friend of Tiffany's is paying for her lawyer, and Eric figures out it was Robbins. Deeks blames himself for putting Tiffany in a tempting situation. Sam and Callen's plan is to use Callen as Tiffany's lawyer, with Deeks spoon-feeding him. Sam and Kensi go to a spinning center to find Robbins, where he meets with Vanessa Brown, a crooked former LAPD officer. Brown stole the drugs to set up Tiffany, which Whiting confirms. Robbin plans to steal software from Vivid Lock, a security company, with Brown's help. Callen gets bail for Tiffany. Sam and Kensi get to Vivid Lock too late, after Robbins has stolen an anti-ballistic program. Deeks and Whiting get ADA Lopez to drop the charges against Tiffany. Robbins and Brown arrive at the courthouse. Callen intercepts Robbins, while Sam and Deeks take out Brown and all the Vivid Lock security that Robbins has bought off. Tiffany's secret was that she was protecting a friend that hadn't gotten out of prostitution yet. Anna gets arrested for killing Sokolov.


NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 5 Quotes

Still rocking that pantsuit, I see.

Deeks [to Whiting]

Anna: It's what helps you sleep at night.
Callen: That's not fair.