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A blonde walks into a hotel bar and steals the suitcase of Sean Baker, knocking him off a landing and leaving him in critical condition. Baker is the co-founder of Almaya Technautics, an AI company that has an exclusive contract with the Navy. Almaya is developing robots to handle military search-and-rescue missions. The team's task is to find the woman who attacked Baker. Kilbride is MIA. His ex-wife, Elizabeth, who is in town for a conference, spent the night with him. Rountree discovers that Baker has been making payments to an art gallery for the past three months. Sam determines that the missing suitcase had a smart tag in it. Kensi finds reprogrammable data chips inside dolls at Baker's studio. Rountree tracks Baker's suitcase to a downtown parking garage. Elizabeth is making dinner for Kilbride, much to his distress. Clyde has gone missing and no one at Almaya will talk without his approval. Sam and Callen find Clyde and he runs but Sam catches him. Clyde and Sean were selling chips on the dark web, to get around their exclusive Navy contract. The suitcase held 200 such chips. Kensi and Deeks recruit Nina to find out who the thief is. She's an elusive, retired Polish arms broker, Petra Kaminska. Sam and Callen observe a sale going down at a surburban airport. The team interrupts the sale and arrests everyone. Deeks realizes the microchips are fakes. Kaminska had pulled the chips out of circulation and attempted to sell the fakes for her retirement fund. Deeks and Kensi go home before Rosa's curfew. Fatima and Rountree head to a new club. Kilbride arrives home late for Elizabeth's dinner. Elizabeth wants him to reconnect with his estranged son, Alex, who is a recovering addict. She wants him to participate in Alex's treatment. 

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Episode 13 Quotes

I'm starting to think that an ark storm doesn't sound so bad.


Sam: I've got a guy.
Callen: Of course, you've got a guy.
Sam: He's an estate lawyer, the best in the city.
Callen: I don't have an estate. I barely have a couch.