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In the commissary, Abby invites Dan to sit with her, Olivia, and Neil. Olivia and Neil indicate that Abby smells bad. Abby admits she’s having some issues with her apartment.

Her fiance, Rand, is visiting on the weekend. Dan tells her she needs a new apartment. He tells her to find whoever knows the people in the courthouse best. Gurgs enters, greeting everybody by name.

In the courtroom, Abby and Dan ask Gurgs to help Abby find a new apartment.

In the hallway, Olivia makes a break for the door. Neil notices a woman nearby and realizes Olivia is embarrassed because the woman is the law firm partner, Lesley, she had a bad encounter with when she was trying to get a job at the firm.

Neil finds out Lesley has a case on the docket the next night. Olivia panics at the idea of facing her in court.

Abby rules not guilty on a case of assault where the defendant was being evicted when he accidentally pushed his landlord. Gurgs admits she had the day clerk kick them all the eviction cases so Abby could get details on the soon to be empty residences.

Lesley enters the courtroom which flusters Olivia who suddenly loses her ability to speak coherently.

Lesley recognizes Olivia and tells her she’ll be seeing what she can do when they face off the next night. Olivia plans to call in sick. Dan offers to coach her in exchange for bagels for a month.

Abby explains to Gurgs that she’s not comfortable with taking the apartment where people were just evicted. Gurgs says she understands and brings Abby to the Death Certificate office to find out what properties have recently been vacated.

Abby says she thinks she’ll stay at her current apartment. Gurgs offers to let her shower at her place before Rand arrives. Abby accepts.

When Abby arrives, there is no furniture in Gurgs’s place. Gurgs admits it was a ruse to get Abby to see the place. It’s one of the apartments where the resident died.

Dan gives Olivia a visualization goal, to see herself as him. She’s not into it. They watch some video of Lesley in day court. Neil identifies his nemesis, Clint, the day clerk, who wears a bolo tie. Olivia gives up, cries defeat. Dan tries to pep her up but misspeaks, revealing he has his own moment of humiliation that he’s trying to forget.

Gurgs introduces Abby to the landlord but tells her not to tell him that she’s a judge. They use a cover story that she makes teeth for a living. The landlord buys it and says he’ll be in touch.

Olivia preps for the case. Neil shows up in a bolo tie. Lesley doesn’t show, sending an associate, Devon, in her place.

Olivia is devastated to be robbed of a chance to vindicate herself in front of Lesley. Dan gives her a talk to encourage her to kick Devon’s butt.

Olivia wins the case after a two hour speech. Abby calls a recess and Gurgs runs in to tell her she got the place. When Abby goes to text Rand the good news, she looks disappointed. Dan follows her, suspecting that Rand has canceled.

Abby confirms this and tries to see a silver lining. Dan says she doesn’t have to do that. He encourages her to take a few minutes and allow herself to be angry that things aren’t working out. She starts to rant about things when Gurgs runs in to tell her the landlord is there. He follows her in and figures out Abby is a judge. He tells her the apartment is no longer available and leaves.

Abby asks for the room. Dan and Gurgs hurry out and shut the door. A loud yell and crash is heard and Abby comes out, looking calm, and bids them good night.

They peek inside and she’s flipped her desk.

The next night, Abby decides to make friends with the folks in the marriage certificates office since marriages often mean one partner is giving up a residence.


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Night Court Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Gurgs: Who wouldn’t want a judge owing them a favor?
Abby: I’d rather my position not be a part of it. I became a judge because I want to help people not for the perks.
Gurgs: Okay, so you got a moral code, which is gonna make this harder.

Olivia: Hypothetically, if you had a co-worker who smelled like soggy cardboard in the back of a taxi, would you want me to tell you that that’s you?
Abby: I’m having some issues with my apartment. It’s above a German beer hall, so no matter what I do, I smell like a combination of sauerkraut, mustard, and soccer fan B.O.