Joe's Promotion
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Rockstar Joe brings Amy breakfast in bed and apologizes. They make up.

Chris wants to go to a September 11th ceremony. It's on Jenny's day, and Joe is avoiding the ceremony.

Cop Joe gets promoted to detective.

Rockstar Joe was asked to play at the 9-11 museum. He asks Uncle Frank to find a missing person, his son. Uncle Frank says it will be difficult without the bio mom's consent so Joe says he'll go see Jenny when Amy is busy later.

Cop Joe and Uncle Frank are going to interview the suspect that shot the congressman. On the way, they discuss why Joe hasn't gotten married yet. He doesn't want anyone to go thru what his mom had to. At the hospital, Joe hears the suspect say Bobby Diaz destroyed his family.

Rockstar Joe goes to Jenny, but she refuses to help. She has a new life with a husband and kids.

Cop Joe needs Jenny's help finding info on the link between the suspect and Bobby Diaz. Jenny's husband is worried Joe will find out he's the father of her son, Lucas.

Nurse Joe is still trying to get out of the September 11th memorial. He keeps having flashbacks of his dad's last day. His mom convinces him to go, and he and his son Chris read the names of the victims.

Amy tells Rockstar Joe she's decided to run for office and she doesn't need kids to complete her.

Jenny got a grant to finish her law degree, but she'd have to move.

In the cliffhanger, Rockstar Joe calls Uncle Frank wanting to find his son. Cop Joe texts Amy saying he had a good time just as Eddie Diaz shows up at her door.

Ordinary Joe
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Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Joe: Can you find a missing person for me?
Uncle Frank: Sure, I used to do it all the time when I was on the force. Who is it?
Joe: My son.

Uncle Frank: It’s not a press conference.
Joe’s boss: It’s a promotion, Detective Kimbreau. I wanted it to happen this week because it’s a big one for our department and for you. This way, you can wear a detective badge to the 911 commemoration.