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Oxford, 1969: Roger is teaching at university. He's teaching a class in which he's urging his students to imagine the last words they would utter before death.

Brianna saw the end of his class as she's there to pick him up to go to a silent movie marathon.

There is a film rolling after the credits with silent-movie credits for the main producers of the movie so that we witness Roger taken down from the tree in black and white.

Claire cuts a tracheotomy and Roger's eyes open.

Three months later, Roger is getting a checkup from Claire. His throat is healing nicely, and his scars have faded, but he has yet to talk.

When he refused to talk, Brianna teases him that she'll teach Jemmy sweater and aluminum instead of jumper and aluminium. They can pretend they're in one of the silent movies they used to love since 70% of communication is non-verbal.

When Lord John arrives, the ladies leave, and Roger struggles to speak.

Instead, he's playing the events leading to his hanging in black and white.

The soldiers picked three at random to hang and leave hanging as a lesson to all.

Brianna shares with Claire that her roommate from MIT had a boyfriend who went to Viet Nam. Even after a year, he was still unable to function. The life had left his eyes. Claire said it was shell shock.

Brianna wonders if Roger has the same. It's like he's drowning in silence with the same thousand-yard stare in his eyes.

Claire wants her to have faith that she'll find him no matter how lost he is.

Jocasta is singing at a graveside. Has she buried Murtagh? Jamie approaches. She wishes he could have had a headstone for him, but she and Murtagh were not husband and wife. He and Murtagh weren't father and son, either, but it doesn't make the pain any easier to bear.

Jamie reads a letter from Governor Tryon. He's granted Roger 5,000 acres in the backcountry in an attempt to make amends for the terrible error.

Brianna is not impressed, but Lord John is. It's very valuable land.

Roger is triggered by all kinds of things, including the feel of burlap on his fingertips. The fear in his eyes is palpable as he watches the proceedings through the canvas. He kept his hand to his neck in an attempt to ward off death, and he was successful. Still, he's wounded more emotionally than he was physically.

Lord John has brought a astrolang (?) that is used to find your position on land or sea and can even tell the time.

She almost gets the time right but is off by five minutes.

It's time for laundry and tallow again on Fraser's Ridge.

Claire and Jamie visit Bree and Roger to find Roger creating stairs for the loft they're building. Jemmy is a toddler.

Jamie has a sweet Gaelic name he calls Jemmy meaning My Blood.

When Jemmy reaches for the hot kettle, Roger springs into action screaming, "Don't!" Brianna is thrilled, but Roger cannot repeat the action.

Brianna has a beautiful singing voice. As she sings Clementine, Roger listens with a small smile on his face. His shoulders soften.

But the more she sings, the angrier he seems to get. He begins to cry.

Claire and Jamie are playing hide and seek with Jemmy. Except there is a boar in the bushes. He prepares to knife it when an arrow penetrated the animal. It's an Indian named Ian!


Jamie embraces him gleefully. They'll eat well tonight in celebration. Ian is hesitant but accompanies them to see Bree and Roger.

Roger nods at the young man and embraces him. Ian is confused that he says nothing. Roger struggles again to speak leaving Ian even more confused.

Of Jamie and Claire's home, Ian says it's big.

Ian killed the boar; he'll do the butchering. He's clearly a changed man not at all at home in the surroundings despite the request that he make himself so.

Marsali reads cards for Roger. The first card she turns over is the hangman. She pulls the cards back and does it again. Once again, the first card is the hangman.

Roger gets angry, pushing the cards off of the table and recalling again the bucket getting kicked out from under him. Well, a barrel.

Bree begs Roger to return to her, but he just sits there.

When they pray before dinner, Ian doesn't participate. He's looking around warily as if he barely remembers his life before.

Marsali and Fergus want to know everything, but he's not eager to share. He reveals the Mohawk were good people.

He has no plans to return north to them.

Jamie wonders what Bree and Roger have decided about the land. Jamie wonders if Ian will accompany Roger to mark out the land in the same way he helped Jamie plot Fraser's Ridge.

Jamie and Claire begin to get concerned.

Roger tries to sing while playing the ukelele but images of his hanging proliferate his mind.

Similarly, Ian cannot shake his recent past, either. Standing in front of the bed, he's been offered unsure what to do. In the morning, Jamie finds Ian outside on the ground.

He's not used to having a bed that grand, he tells Jamie.

Jamie is heartsick to see Ian so troubled, but Ian says Jamie needn't worry about him. Still, Jamie wants to sit with him for a wee while, and Ian doesn't mind.

A little boy approaches Ian later and touches the marks on his face. He thinks they're bruises. They're not bruises, Ian says. He chose them. Oh, it's Marsali's son.

Marsali and Ian chat about their siblings, recalling those they've left behind. Marsali admits she sometimes feels guilty about how happy she is and how much she belongs in the family she's with now.

Marsali's baby is kicking and will be joining them before too long. When she expresses appreciation that Ian will be there to welcome him or her, his face clouds.

Roger and Ian prepare to leave to survey their property.

Brianna creates a paper airplane for their first anniversary while saying she hopes their marriage grows strong enough to be a diamond at 60 years together. He puts the plane in his bag.

Ian still has his dog!

Roger shares the mapping device with Ian and notices Ian's very cool bracelets. Ian clovers them.

Claire and Marsali wonder where the hemlock has gone.

Roger shows Ian his paper plane, or paper bird, as Ian sees it.

Ian couldn't always understand the Mohawk, so he talked to birds.

Roger awakes after another nightmare.

Claire wonders if there's a chance that Roger doesn't want to come home and took the hemlock to kill himself.

Roger is at the edge of a cliff looking down. His visions are beginning to gain color. He no longer sees his life as an old movie.

It was visions of Brianna that kept him alive. At the side of the cliff, he tosses the paper plane.

Seeing Brianna's face again urging him to live.

In the morning, Ian's dog is crying. He's staked and sitting beside Ian's bed which is all neat and folded.

It was Ian who took the hemlock.

He's elsewhere, burying the hatchet.

He reaches into his pocket to get the hemlock. He has three roots and puts them into a pot to boil.

Roger finds him and kicks the pot. Ian wonders why, of all people, would Roger stop him? He has everything but still didn't want to be with them. When that rope was around his neck, and he was dying, what did he see? Ian needs to know!

He admits he saw his wife's face. Ian says, then there is no escape, even in death. The bracelet on Ian's arm belonged to the woman he loved. Her name doesn't matter now.

She's not dead, but she's lost to Ian. Ian wants the pain to end to be at peace.

Roger says that if Ian commits suicide, he'll be gone to all of his loved ones forever.

Ian accuses Roger of burying his weapon, his voice. But now Roger needs to pick up his weapon and fight. He wants Ian to pick up his weapon and come home with him until he's ready to fight, too.

Rober arrives home and speaks to Bree. He looks sheepish. She's been so scared. A part of him died that day, even though he was saved. She knows how it feels.


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Outlander Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

You're alive. You're whole. All is well.


Roger: People live and die by their words. They shape our thoughts and deeds. Often, they define us. Like bullets, once fired, we can't take them back. They have impact, so choose them wisely. Live a life worthy of them, especially your last words. They outlive us.
Morgan: And what will yours be, sir?
Roger: It is my dying wish, oh Lord, that my students write structured arguments supported by evidence and legible handwriting. Amen!
Student: No, really, sir.
Roger: I'd say, I'd say let history forget my name, so long as my words and my deeds are remembered by those I love.