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A little real Harry background. Sam visits Harry. Sam has been getting photos of his family and friends by way of threat. He's threatening to go to the police. Harry talks him down just long enough to get him out of there and call someone else. Seems that person wants Harry to take action.

Someone wrote a hit piece on Ben, and on the opposite page is news that Jessup is courting a new ski resort, and Mike wants to put Patience in the running.

When Asta says they won't have enough money to eat while in New York, Harry says they can just get some from the money bag. Asta is aghast that he's got a money bag, especially since there is blackmail information at the bottom, mentioning some kind of company.

Liv heard about the meteor, and she thinks that she and Mike were abducted by aliens. Mike doesn't like that idea.

D'Arcy is singing karaoke on the bar, literally, when Ben arrives to ask about borrowing one of the ATVs.

D'Arcy will take him since there's only one ATV.

Sahar visits Harry to tell him a funny story about the ball. Max stole the ball from Harry, Sahar stole it from Max, and someone stole it from Sahar.

She wants the dog back. He says no, but the dog comes out with Number 42 in his mouth, swinging him around like a chew toy. He's dying. Harry cries while Octopus comforts him. Harry breaks down, trying to breathe life back into his little friend.

A lovely montage dedicated to their friendship plays before Harry takes his first bite of Number 42. Damn, he tastes fantastic!

Asta and Harry arrive in New York. It immediately assaults all of Harry's senses, and he cowers and covers his nose. Just like a little kid, he wanders up to the wrong person thinking it's Asta, screaming when he realizes it's not her.

D'Arcy and Ben are going to do some climbing to get him the best view.

There isn't an alien at the pizza joint, but Harry ate about 10 pieces of pizza, wondering if he could eat the plate.

Across from the pizza joint, Harry spots something written in his alien language on a mural.

D'Arcy and Ben talk about his marriage. He doesn't feel comfortable in front of Kate. D'Arcy is shocked. She thought things were great for Ben and D'Arcy. Once she realizes that things were bad, she apologizes for kissing him that night.

The mural was painted by Goliath, a muralist who has never been seen. Harry needs to see all of the murals, and then he will know what Goliath is trying to say.

Liv is taking a statement from someone who say a UFO. She even got it on video.

There is a fight in the station, and Mike and Liv both respond. He yells at her. Does she think it's a game? This is how people get killed. Liv takes it poorly.

Asta finds the Galvan/Powell Group and wants to investigate. Harry entertains himself at a place that has the world's greatest pie. While there, one of real Harry's friends recognizes him.

Harry likes pie. It is like cake, but made with real food. The guy wants to know if Harry destroyed the medical records. Harry is confused. The man is not happy. Harry has no idea who he is dealing with, Mr. Man says.

The wall hanging that Ben wants says Live, laugh, love. That's what Kate doesn't want on their wall.

Goliath targeted locations throughout the city to form the night sky. Each star is a mural. The signal was not meant for just anyone. Goliath meant it for Harry. Harry finds a star that is their sun, and that is where they'll find Goliath.

They go to an art gallery where there are a lot of crazy looking people. Harry doesn't see any humans, and he doesn't see Goliath.

Liv asks Mike to meet her in the park, where he begins apologizing about his earlier behavior. She handcuffs him to the bench and demands to know why he has been so weird all summer. He begins deflecting about it again using the this isn't a game thing. She goes to get some froyo.

Ben and D'Arcy smoke the pot she hid in his rooms as kids. He keeps an ovulation calendar so that he and Kate don't have another kid.

Ben tells D'Arcy that if not for her, he wouldn't be here. The night the kidnappers came, he thought, what would D'Arcy do? And then they saved his family.

D'Arcy falls asleep on Max's bed after they talk about live, laugh, love.

Harry will use his alien distress call. It is not perceived by human ears. It most definitely perceived by human ears.

Asta realizes that the alien who painted the murals has been on earth for over a decade. He wouldn't be in alien form. He would be blending in. Harry is so sad that he cannot find one of his people. The gallery owner is listening to him with a strange look on her face.

Someone wanders up to Harry with a plate of LSD. Harry likes what the guys says and swallows one.

Liv is enjoying her froyo when she returns. Mike finally tells Liv what happened six years ago. The anniversary messes with his head, and he apologized for his behavior.

Mike wants to leave, but Liv puts her hand on his shoulder. Mike opens up about Jesse. They were friends from childhood. The day that Jesse knocked on his door was it. They were inseparable. Mike talks about grief, crying. The emptiness never goes away no matter how you try to get around it. Mike sent Jesse up the stairs, and he cannot forgive himself. He said if anything happened to Liv, he wouldn't be able to take it. Live says nothing is going to happen to her, and she won't let anything happen to him.

As Harry freaks out, the gallery owner talks with Asta. She wonders how long Asta has known Harry was an alien.

A chick visits the pizza guy. She must be Goliath.

Harry's freakout scene is hilarious. This is bullshit, he says.

Resident Alien
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Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Deputy, look. I appreciate mythical creatures; I really do. Well, except for mermaids. You know, where do they get off sittin' up on the rocks all high and mighty, expecting you to ask them out on a date. I mean, why they so stuck up? I mean, if you half fish, you gonna smell all like fish, you understand?


Mike: I'm just tired. You know, Cletus is in this humpin' phase. I had to spend half the night defendin' my easy char. Speakin' of, you know anything about gettin' stains out of couch cushions? I mean deep stains.
Ben: Nope. Know anything about gettin' disgusting images out of my head?