Rick and Morty Photo Galleries

23 Times the Devil Stole the Show

23 Times the Devil Stole the Show

They are fiendishly clever, sometimes darkly funny, and spine-chillingly "good" at what they do. Check out this hotter-than-Hell list of all the Devils we've come to know...
Posted in: 666 Park Avenue
21 Mentors With Feet of Clay

21 Mentors With Feet of Clay

They are the fonts of knowledge we depend on, the guides we trust to teach us all we need to know. But experience means making mistakes or worse. Check it out!
Posted in: Bull

Rick and Morty Quotes

I’ll just hang out with you and go on adventures and do whatever you want to do, ya know, forever.


Rick and Morty not sticking to one path, trying different things making sure to keep out of a rut.
