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Clyde reaffirms to Bonnie that they are not on Earth to have fun.

Michael and Dallas play pool at Wild Pony, and after Micheal sees Bonnie alone at the bar, he approaches her, trying to help her mood. But when he begins to get suspicious of her, she runs off.

Max tells Cam he's trying to work on his abilities when she stops by with information, including whose safety deposit box the aliens stole from.

With the whole group together, Max asks Maria to trigger a vision about Patricia, Dallas to talk with Graham about the sigil, and Liz to analyze the dirt from the wheels of the alien's getaway car. Michael suggests he go undercover with the aliens, but Max shoots him down.

Liz goes to Deep Sky to analyze the dirt and realizes there is a high oil content, which leads them to a nearby oil field which they discover Shivani has bought.

Maria steals adrenaline from Kyle and later shoots herself with it, hoping to trigger a vision, but it doesn't work.

Dallas meets Graham at the Crashdown, with Michael listening nearby, and Graham discloses that his great grandfather saw the sigil on a case at a bank branch and that the case glowed.

Isobel and Anatsa run into Kyle and Kira at the local winery, and the two turn their dates into a double date. After finding out that Kira works in insurance, and her current case is the bank robberies, Anatsa presses her for information. When Kira shows video footage from the robbery, believing it to be doctored, Anatsa spots who she believes to be Max, and Isobel sends the phone flying into a glass of wine.

Liz discovers that Shivani and Allie had been working with alien science. She tells Shivani about the chemical markers in the dirt being similar to the St. Elmo's Fire anomalies.

Dallas finds Maria after her failed adrenaline experiment and confides in him that her visions have stopped. She instructs him not to tell anyone before the two start looking through the Wild Pony for something Patricia may have left. Maria finds deposit box keys for two different banks.

The gang devises a plan to catch Bonnie and Clyde in the bank vault, with an alien inhibitor being released. Max keeps Clyde talking long enough that he's unable to use his powers to open the tumblers before his powers are suppressed. Michael then arrives to save them.

As Eduardo is driving, he almost runs over someone in the road. When he gets out to ask if they're okay, it's revealed the person is Tezca.

Later, Bonnie makes her way to the junkyard, and she and Michael bond over music.

Maria gets a call that her mom is missing again.

Isobel and Anatsa argue over Isobel's lying.

Shivani and her team find alien skin at the oil field.

Kyle calls Liz to inform her that Jones's body is missing.

Roswell, New Mexico
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Roswell, New Mexico Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Hey. You okay?
Isobel. Yeah. I will keep Harriet the spy away from the alien hunt.


Michael: We're going to lock em up? Won't that just cement them as the enemy?
Max: They are the enemy.