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Bravo holds a baby shower for Sonny. Ray freaks out when a neighbor uses a power drill. Stella is nervous about having to make a home-cooked meal in Clay's small apartment. Jason asks Ray about Theo Papadakis's whereabouts. Then he goes to visit Theo to thank him for the letter he wrote. Theo lost a leg in Afghanistan. Naima tells Ray he hasn't been right for weeks and pushes him to get counseling. Theo admits to Jason he was using pills while with Bravo. Ray is hiding from domestic strife in his cage. Clay invites Ray to stay with him. Lindell passes on a possible promotion to Davis and Jason overhears. Stella urges Ray to let Naima know where he is. Bravo is sent on an emergency eight-week mission in Africa. The team will be based on a battleship. Based on remarks from Theo and Davis about how detached he is, Jason tries to get more involved with his men. Theo watches Cerberus for Jason. Jason apologizes to Theo for not being there for him after his injury. Soto tells Jason that Bravo is under a microscope on this mission. The team's berths aren't sitting well for the claustrophobic Sonny. Clay gives Sonny a pep talk. Bravo is going to help an ally deliver food and medicine. Lt. Soto is joining Bravo in the field. Their route is ripe for an ambush. Davis spots a Boko Haram contingent moving to intercept. Jason drops a smoke bomb then the squad shoots up two of the chasing vehicles. Clay informs Jason that Ray is having problems at home. Sonny calls Hannah to let her know he can't make the shower but he wants to be a father to his daughter. Ray doesn't answer Jason's knock to avoid a conversation. 

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SEAL Team Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Theo: Ignore and override?
Jason: Ignore and override.

So you're going to operate like Jason and domesticate like Ray?

Stella [to Clay]