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Frank wakes up in Fiona's building as a bulldozer attacks it. He escapes, but gets a serious leg injury, making it seem like he is in some big trouble. 

When he returns home, it emerges that his femur is broken and he needs to go to hospital. The hospital does not want to help him because he's used a lot of resources without ever paying. 

The youngest surgical resident who is 21 years old does the surgery and it works out. But Frank is essentially thrown off an ambulance at the close of the hour. 

Meanwhile, Fiona attends meetings, gets a job at a gas station and finds herself at odds with everyone. 

However, a chance meeting with the man who she done the deal with puts her on a fresh new perspective. 

Things took a turn and she realized it was time to change her life. 

Debbie found herself at odds with Carl over Kelly.

In the end, Carl forgave his sister for her actions. 

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Shameless Season 9 Episode 13 Quotes

Fiona: Hi, my name's Fiona, and I'm not sure if I'm an alcoholic.
Everyone: Hi Fiona.

Fiona: I don't really know what I'm supposed to do now.
Lip: The only thing you can do, you get back up, you start over.
Fiona: It's that easy, huh?
Lip: No.