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Bob Lee and Harris at brought into the FBI for interrogation. Harris puts a spin on what happened to Brooks. They are released. Red Bama meets with the president in the oval office. The president chose Brooks at Atlas' request, but he has no interest in helping Atlas kill people as part of a plan. Bama threatens the president. Harris tells the others that he's going to meet a friend tho see if they know who will get the nomination after Brooks death. Nadine gives him a gun for safety. Isaac borrows a phone and calls Naidine telling her that the man who killed Catherine tried to kill him. She had tho stitch up his injury. Julie sends her family away to edie Poole and goes to meet Bob Lee. The mercenary puts a bomb in a school bus. The secret service abduct Nadine and Harris. The president knows that an attack is coming,. He wants them to stop it, and they'll risk being considered villains if they fail. Bob Lee and Julie talk. She tells him she's done with him playing hero and being an absentee father and husband. He agrees and wants to stop. Nadine and the others interrupt after finding out who the mercenary is and a location based off the necklace left with Isaac. Julie gets upset and leaves. Bob Lee and Isaac head to the church to find the mercenary. He leaves a grenade for them and leaves. They figure out the bomb is on a bus, and they stop and they to disarm it. The bus explodes and shrapnel hits Nadine puncturing her in the neck. They figure out Atlas plan is to kill a judge so they can have the majority vote since they couldn't put Brooks in. The mercenary kidnaps a judge.
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Shooter Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

Harris: No offense, I need a break from you two. I'm gonna go see my buddy, Van Tassel. With Brooks gone, maybe he knows who the next nominee is -- see how far down Atlas goes on this.
Nadine: Well, don't use your credit cards.
Bob Lee: And don't go home.
Harris: Yeah, no, I'm good. I'll be fine. I'll get some more of that pink pepper spray, right?
Bob Lee: It's powerful shit.

FBI Agent: Swagger, you know what it's like to have the entire US Government on your ass. So, tell me what you were doing in those woods.
Bob Lee: Lawyer.