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Ben listens to the recording of Ryn's siren song.

Ryn dreams about Ben and Maddie tells her she's probably scared of her feelings for him.

Everyone decides it's best to split the mermaids up. Maddie gets a place for some of them to stay.

The merman that killed Xander's dad stays with Ben.

Ben tries to talk to Xander but he won't listen to him.

Xander is secretly keeping an injured Katrina captive hoping she'll tell him the location of the mermaid responsible for his dad's death.

A man named Glen shows up at the Bishop's and tells Susan that they need each other. She lets him in the house. 

The merman jumps out of Ben's car and goes to the bar. He ends up playing beer pong and almost gets into a fight. 

Katrina escapes but Xander convinces her that they can help each other.

Ryn, Maddie, and Donna's daughter meet Ben and the merman at the bar.

A girl tries to dance with the merman. They kiss when her boyfriend walks in and he tries to start a fight. He punches Ben and Ben knocks him out. They all leave the bar. 

Maddie goes home and discovers that her mom is high. She goes to her new apartment where Ben and Ryn are.

Ben, Ryn, and Maddie all kiss each other. 

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Siren Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Ryn: What do you think about?
Maddie: I think about Ben. And you.

Ben don't get me wrong. I am grateful for the business and all but I'm getting the feeling that some of these people aren't underage exchange students.
