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A flashforward is shown of Ryn in the water with a dead mermaid.

Ben is scaling a mountain but hurts himself because he can't get Ryn's siren song out of his head.

Xander follows Ryn in the woods and apologizes for what happened to her sister. 

Maddie goes to pick up her mother at the bus station. 

Ben goes to visit Maddie and Xander wonders if Ryn is causing a problem between them. Xander asks about Maddie about her mom and if she's clean. 

Maddie and Xander run outside to see the sea lions crying and acting out.

Ben and Maddie take Ryn back to the ocean so she can investigate after a number of whales are beached. 

They realize the oil company is using sonic cannons to map the ocean floor. They find a dead mermaid half transformed and another injured. Ben saves him. 

All of the mermaids who were forced out of the water show up at Helen's house. They all thought Ryn was dead. 

Xander gives a girl he met at the bar a tour of his boat. She later makes a call as Lieutenant Martinez and states that she has followed the trail. 

Ben helps the mermaids find a place to stay and Helen volunteers to stay with them. Ryn reveals that one of the mermaids is Donna's daughter. 



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