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Dean struggles with single parenthood and wonders if he should give up his daughter for adoption.

Pruitt, who swings by, can't tell Dean what to do but reminds him that when he makes a decision he should be all in.

Dean decides to keep the baby and names her Prue, after Pruitt.

Flashbacks reveal Dean became a firefighter after meeting Pruitt who responded to the houseboat when Dean's coworker collapsed.

Sullivan meets with Dr. Amelia Shepherd about his pain, and she tells him he has an addiction.

Amelia recommends non-opiate pain management and encourages Sullivan to attend meetings.

Ben suspects Sullivan of stealing drugs and confides in Bailey, who confirms his fears at the end of the episode. Ben and Bailey then discuss what Ben should do with the information.

Vic moves into Dean's houseboat after her plan to move into Jackson's apartment unnoticed goes awry.

Emmett adjusts to the realities of being a firefighter and takes issue with Maya throwing him into the deep on a multi-victim accident involving a drunken driver.

Emmett then joins Andy, Jack, and Travis after shift for a drink, and they tell him tragedies are part of the job.

At the end of the episode, Andy goes to Sullivan's house, and they finally get together after a heartfelt monologue.


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Station 19 Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Travis: It does get easier, a little.
Emmett: I don’t need you to baby me,
Travis: OK, then, enjoy the carnage.

Ben: Hey, um, when Webber was caught drinking on the job, how did you…did you ever consider not turning him in?
Bailey: Who’s drinking on the job?
Ben: I didn’t say.
Bailey: Did you not think I would crack your master code?
Ben: I’m not sure it even happened.
Bailey: But if it did happen, is…is that how Vasquez got hurt?
Ben: What? What? No, no. OK, look, it’s not anyone all right. Just it’s probably a counting error.
Bailey: Counting error, as in drugs?
Ben: I didn’t say drugs.
Bailey: Well, what else would you be counting?
Ben: OK, OK, you know what? Never mind. Never mind. I’m probably wrong about the whole thing. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.
Bailey: No, you shouldn’t have, but if whatever it is that you know puts you in a bed like Vasquez, so help me god Ben Warren.