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Maya is avoiding going home, wondering if she should propose just so Carina, who is leaving for Italy later that day, doesn’t have to go.

Maya goes home, and she and Carina get into several fights.

Maya, after realizing that she and Carina learned more about each other in the past few hours than the past few months, wonders if they should break up.

Carina goes to the airport, but after a conversation with Gabriela realizes she'd rather marry Maya than return to Italy.

Maya and Carina end the episode engaged.

Marsha takes Marcus to the park, and Jack and Inara will have house to themselves.

They're about to have sex when they see a woman fall out of the building.

They go to help her, and while talking Jack reveals he had an affair with a married woman.

When they go back inside, Inara reminds Jack that she's not some fragile and helpless doll.

They have sex, but Jack isn't into it.

Ben undergoes surgery and is nervous. He calls Andy and Sullivan, who show up to support him.

While Ben is under anesthesia, he has a nightmare, which represents his fears of losing his manhood.

He later realizes he's keeping his manhood by having the surgery, as it allows him to live.


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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Inara: It’s kinda weird, right?
Jack: Wait, what?
Inara: The quiet. No one’s sick. No one’s in crisis. We’re just fine.
Jack: Yeah, that’s a first for us.
Inara: It’s nice.
Jack: Yeah, should we watch a movie or something?
Inara: We haven’t had childcare since we became a couple, so no, no, I would very much not like to watch a movie.

Maya: I should be running home, wanting to soak up every last minute with her…
Andy: But, it sucks. As someone who recently weathered a separation from the one she loves, I wish I could say it won’t suck, but it will.
Maya: Oh, so inspiring. Thank you. I keep thinking maybe I should just propose, and then she won’t have to leave.
Andy: Well, um, as someone who also recently got married super-fast, it’s not the solution to your problems. You two are meant to be. You’ll get through this. Now go home and soak up every minute.