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Kara is sent to Earth to protect her baby cousin. Her pod was knocked off course by the destruction of her planet. He grew up while she slept for twenty four years. When she woke up, he put her with an adoptive family. Kara chooses to lead a normal life. 

Kara is concerned when her boss plans to downsize. Her boss tells her that if she wants to save their paper, to find her a hero to put on the cover like the Daily Planet has. 

Kara meets James Olson, the photographer for the Daily Planet. He's just been hired at the Tribune. 

Kara tells her sister that she wants to help and has the same powers he does, but Alex tells her to keep her normal life. 

Kara hears on the news that her sister's flight is experiencing difficulties. Kara flies up to the plane and helps it land safely. 

Alex is concerned that Kara is now exposed to the world. She's worried about people finding out who she is. 

Kara tells her friend and co-worker Winn that she's the one who saved the plane. 

Alex works for an organization that protects the Earth from aliens. Kara learns that there are alien criminals on Earth. 

Cat names her Supergirl and Kara wonders why she couldn't be Superwoman. 

Kara fights one of the criminals and is losing, but Alex comes to her rescue. 

Kara gets another shot at him, and with her sister's help, brings him down. He warns her that bigger threats are coming. 

Kara learns that James knows who she is. Her cousin asked him to go to her. 

Kara's aunt is the bigger threat who wants her dead. 

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Supergirl Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Alex: I have a conference in Geneva and I have to be on a plane in two hours.
Kara: And I have a blind date in a half an hour and I need you to help me pick out what to wear. I win.

The only reason I bought this building was because it had a private elevator. That way I don't have to get soaked in cheap cologne every morning on the way to my office. Find out who used it and have them reprimanded or bathed, I don't care which.
