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Hey now hey now don't dream it's over hey now hey now when the world comes in ... lyrics about Philip and Elizabeth's marriage. War Between Us ... Don't Let Them Win

Miriam Shor is on The Americans!! She's an artist in a hospital bed sketching a wigged Elizabeth who appears to be her nurse. Miriam's husband comes in and they have a close moment.

Philip is working.

Elizabeth is nekkid in the shower. Someone is nekkid in the bed. It's not Philip.

Elizabeth and Philip are both home from work. Philip is so excited to see her walk in the door, but she turns and walks up the stairs.

Philip is going to watch Henry's hockey game, but Elizabeth says she can't just run off and watch him play.

While Philip and Henry are off at hockey, Elizabeth, Paige, and Claudia watch movies in Russian. Paige is learning about life in the USSR. At school, she's learning about the Soviet SS20.

Claudia worries over Elizabeth. There are nine weeks before the summit. She needs to sleep.

In Moscow, Arkady visits Oleg. He needs to speak with his former employee privately. Arkady needs someone to take that kind of risk again, the kind they take when they believe in something so important they'll do something risky. He says their organization is run by people who don't believe in Gorbachev.

He needs someone he trusts who can get to America, fast. Arkady needs Oleg to go meet with Philip because he's different. It's been a few years since he quit, and Elizabeth, a grade S illegal, is trying to stop Gorbachev from winning and moving the country into the new direction. Whoa.

Elizabeth is in Mexico meeting General Kovtov from Strategic Rocket Resources.

Philip is delivering an inspiring speech at work at Dupont Travel Services. It's a bright, airy and very American looking office. You can tell he enjoys his work.

The General is still talking about wiping out Americans, and Elizabeth is looking at him closely. The man is saying things about Gorbachev that just aren't true. The guy thinks one of Gorbachev's men was given the OK to trade "Dead Hand" for the Star Wars Program. It cannot happen.

Elizabeth looks confused and exhausted on the flight back. She takes the necklace and looks into the back of it. There is a pill. Cyanide?

Some families are at dinner. A strange batch to be sure. Stan, Adderholt, and the Jennings. While Elizabeth goes into the kitchen, Adderholt's wife and Rene talk about the Jennings' marriage falling apart.

Oleg has a wife and child. She's worried about him going to the US. Oleg, though, trusts Arkady. The way the scene plays out between Oleg and Elina, it seems despite his assurance he'll be back to see his wife and son, Sasha, that he'll never set foot in Mother Russia again.

The way he holds Sasha tells me so even more.

The Soviets aren't fighting against the Americans but against each other.

Miriam's name is Erica. Her husband is "saving the world" according to her. He's hoping to save it if they don't blow each other to bits.

Elizabeth's name is Stephanie in this house.

Philip is out on the town line dancing.

While Erica suffers, Elizabeth takes a closer look at her paintings.

Philip is driving around the neighborhood when he sees a chalk mark on the mailbox that Oleg left for him.

Gold Dust Woman begins playing by Stevie Nicks or whatever band she was in.

Philip decodes the message he received.

A man is waiting in a cafe. Paige is watching. A US Navy security guy knocks on the window of Paige's car. He'll need her ID and her phone number.

Elizabeth and another woman are driving around. Elizabeth drops off the woman when she gets a signal from the man in the cafe. They're following someone who left the place.

The woman with Elizabeth doesn't know Paige is her daughter. And even though Elizabeth said things would be fine after the run-in with Hanley the Navy guy who only wanted a date with Paige, Elizabeth killed him. Mama Bear can't run around NYC doing that. Things are going to get out of hand and fast.

Philip and Oleg talk about what Oleg needs from Philip. When Philip gets home, he tries to get a feel for Elizabeth and where she stands.

After talking to Oleg, Philip wants to talk to Elizabeth, but she's rude, angry, and hateful. He decides to let her go sleep instead of forcing the issue.

Elizabeth fingers the locket while looking in the mirror. Hopefully, that conversation has swayed Philip to work with Oleg and the "other side" because if he doesn't I don't think Elizabeth will make it out of the season alive.

The Americans
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The Americans Season 6 Episode 1 Quotes

You know about Dead Hand now. You cannot be arrested. [Pushes a jewelry box across the table.]


Elizabeth: It's hard to trust the Americans. There's a long history of these types of negotiations.
Paige: I know.