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Raymond talks to someone on the phone as he retrieves an item from the vents. The Sandovals and the Montanos surrender their weapons in the same building before a meeting.

They all sit down to talk and are served with food and drinks. They toast and drink, but Vicente has an allergic reaction and dies. Almost immediately, someone else dies. Raymond figures this is the work of a blacklister.

They are all in danger because anything they touch or do can kill them.

Ressler meets Jonathan, who has received a sobriety chip.

Raymond calls Dembe and tells him about the current predicament and tells him about Wormwood. The Task Force begins its investigation.

Wormwood manipulates non-lethal allergies and makes them life-threatening. Anything someone's allergic to can kill.

Cooper sends Herbie to do some tests.

Other people begin dying from various issues.

Herbie meets Gabriella Sandoval.

As older members of the families die, leadership falls on the younger men, Michael and Izan.

The team follows up on some leads.

Arthur meets with Jonathan and asks for help taking down the Task Force. Jonathan is hesitant.

The Task Force finds someone they think is responsible, Tito. He, however, doesn't know what happened. He also dies.

Jonathan talks to Ressler and fishes for some information.

Raymond figures out that Gabriella and Michael are lovers, and the murders were Gabriella's doing so that she can be with Michael.

The team finds the doctor responsible for creating poison to kill the families.

Red tries to get Michael and Izan to reconcile. He exposes Gabriella's plan.

The doctor is Wormwood, and he reveals how to counter the poison. Just sit and let it get out of your system naturally.

Before they can tell him that, the Task Force learns that Raymond left. He goes to Agnes' ballet recital.

Jonathan agrees to help Arthur.

Cooper visits Red and questions why he is playing fast and loose with his life.

The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 18 Quotes

Arthur: You asked him (Ressler) about Elizabeth?
Jonathan: I did. Even after he told me about their connection, I didn't wanna believe what you said about him was true. But the more I looked into who Agent Keen was ... She killed the Attorney General. She was a fugitive with Reddington.
Arthur: We need to pull it down, and we need to do it now. And I can't do that without your help.
Jonathan: What do you need me to do?

Of all the precautions you've taken over the years to survive, suddenly you're OK with putting your life in the hands of pure dumb luck. Why?
