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Thony and Fiona take a road trip to convince Dr. Ramtej to give them the donor's name that backed out. He refuses because of confidentiality, and when he leaves, Thony hacks into his computer while Fiona distracts him.

Thony and Fiona find out where the potential donor, Joe, works from his daughter. He's not happy they invaded his workspace and says it's not his problem.

They try to explain Luca could die without it, and he offers to do it for $50,000. Fiona is horrified since they're all Filipino, and he becomes nasty and raises the price.

Thony tells her husband they are back to square one. He wants them to come home, but she's not ready to give up yet.

Thony meets with Garrett who wants her to use a recording device to record a conversation between Eric and Arman. It looks like a pen.

She's cleaning by Eric and Arman and planted the device to learn Arman and Eric are trying to develop a new hotel client.

Arman thinks Thony seems off and guesses it must be about Luca. He's horrified the potential donor won't help when Luca's life is at stake and offers to have a chat with Joe.

Thony is afraid of what that means but agrees.

Thony reluctantly turned the pen over to Garrett.

Arman visits Joe at the car dealership and tries offering him $10,000 for his bone marrow. Joe becomes angry, wondering why all these people are after him. Later Arman and his men kidnap Joe to make him agree.

Fiona goes back to selling Molly at the club and earns enough to secure Chris's DACA lawyer.

Thony didn't want Joe kidnapped and tries to convince him this is all about saving her son. They get a call that the FBI is raiding Eric's house. Arman needs Thony to get Eric's laptop out of his girlfriend's hotel room.

She makes it, but drops her necklace. They let Joe go, and after hearing Thony sing a lullaby to Luca, Joe agrees to help.


The Cleaning Lady
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The Cleaning Lady Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Joe: Is this some kind of joke?
Thony: I came here to ask you please reconsider going through with the donation.

You’re going to be saving Luca’s life. Who could say no to that?
