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The De Le Rhosas celebrate every holiday they missed.

Thony sings a love song, interspersed with Arman committing a murder.

Thony cleans up the murder. Arman offers to pay for Luca's surgery.

Fiona realizes Thony has feelings for Arman.

Thony and Marco meet with a potential donor. Marco is shocked they're paying her.

Arman asks for Nadia's help. If they land this deal, they can run away.

Nadia and Arman meet with the gun buyer. Nadia tested the guns. They agree on 6 million dollars.

Thony and Marco argue about taking money from a criminal.

Garrett finds the guns on a nearby farm and learns Arman has a buyer.

Marco is angry about Thony taking money from the criminal and asks Fiona what to do. She grows impatient and tells him to take the money.

Garrett tells Agent Russo he found Arman's guns at a nearby fun. She said he found them illegally. He decides to meet with Thony to tip her off, so they have time to get a warrant.

Thony returns to the club and asks Arman if his offer still stands, saying Luca is worse. He agrees to help and says she's free after the gun deal goes through.

Marco arrives, demanding answers why Arman is giving money to help his wife and son. Thony tries to mediate.

Nadia is also angry that Arman is paying for Luca's surgery. She demands to know if he has feelings for Thony.

Thony told Arman that Garrett knew he would sell guns to Noah today. He's afraid he's being watched. Garrett and Agent Russo celebrate the win.

Thony learned Marco took her $20,000, and he's gambling it in a casino.

The Cleaning Lady
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The Cleaning Lady Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Better if I don’t know. You should be fine.


Marco: What is it? Before you left, things were getting better. We were working things out.
Thony: We were still sleeping in separate beds.
Marco: Not all the time.